30 March

Vincent Willem van Gogh is born in Groot-Zundert, Markt 26, eldest son of the Reverend Theodorus van Gogh and Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus.

Visits to museums and exhibitions Books read and print collecting Consignments to Theo and others

This is a chronicle of the lives of Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo.
In addition to biographical information, such as dates of employment and changes of address, it also lists Vincent ’s visits to museums and exhibitions, his meetings with artists and others who played an important part in the correspondence, as well as a selection of the books he read (see the Bibliography and Van der Veen 2007, Annexe III, for an extensive list of the authors and books mentioned by Van Gogh).
The Chronology also records sales and exhibitions of Van Gogh’s work during his lifetime and consignments of drawings and paintings sent to Theo and others.
Numbers in brackets refer to the relevant letter or its annotations. FR (Family Records) refers to the family correspondence that is preserved in the Van Gogh Museum.
Use has also been made of the following sources and publications:

