17 letters found
- 305 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Friday, 26 or Saturday, 27 January 1883.
- in translation:
...n and the Sheep pasture by Daubigny and the Bracquemonds and so many others — have they retained t...
- in note 15:
Félix Bracquemond played an important role in the Société. The issue for September 1862 contained ...
- 354 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Friday, 15 June 1883.
- in note 3:
... were available, and there were etchings by Bracquemond (cf. letter 542); Leys and a pupil had also ...
- 515 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 14 July 1885.
- in note 7:
Félix Bracquemond wrote in similar terms in Du dessin et de la couleur: ‘“Angels! Who has ever s...
- 525 To Cornelis Marinus van Gogh. Nuenen, Thursday, 6 or Friday, 7 August 1885.
- in note 3:
... was no doubt prompted by his reading of Félix Bracquemond’s Du dessin et de la couleur (see also ...
- 526 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, between about Saturday, 8 and about Saturday, 15 August 1885.
- in translation:
...™ve also read a beautiful book by Bracquemond, the etcher — Du dessin et de la couleur.Bracquemond
- in note 7:
See for Bracquemond’s Du dessin et de la couleur: letter 531.
- 530 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, between about Friday, 21 and about Wednesday, 26 August 1885
- in translation:
I’ve held on to the book by Bracquemond because at the first reading I didn’t understand what heâ...
- in note 5:
In all probability Theo had brought Félix Bracquemond’s recently published Du dessin et de la coul...
- 531 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Wednesday, 2 September 1885.
- in translation:
A great deal is said about — Poussin. Bracquemond talks about him, too. The French call Poussin the...
- in note 2:
Félix Bracquemond discusses Nicolas Poussin in the chapter ‘Décoration, décorateur’ in Du dess...
- 532 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, between about Friday, 25 and about Tuesday, 29 September 1885.
- in translation:
I’ve read Bracquemond’s book more than once, and have thought about it a lot. Although what he sa...
- in note 3:
Bracquemond wrote in Du dessin et de la couleur: ‘As Modelling contains the greater part of what de...
- in note 1:
Félix Bracquemond, Du dessin et de la couleur; see letter 531, n. 2.
- 533 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Sunday, 4 October 1885.
- in note 10:
This notion is based on what Bracquemond said about Poussin in Du dessin et de la couleur: ‘more th...
- 535 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 13 October 1885.
- in note 22:
...gh had read about the concepts of ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ in Bracquemond: see for this letter 530.
- in translation:
...kes, without any sort of retouching. Unger, Bracquemond etched it well — as it was done, and one c...
... regard drawing and colour as one — which Bracquemond says too. That now — many do not do it, th...
- in note 16:
... Coloriste’ in Du dessin et de la couleur Bracquemond observes: ‘Drawing and colouring are not t...
- in note 6:
William Unger and Félix Bracquemond were known as etchers and engravers, among other things for thei...
- 536 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 20 October 1885.
- in note 28:
Félix Bracquemond also calls it ‘simultaneous contrast’ in Du dessin et de la couleur (see Bracq...
- in note 27:
...€™ and ‘gymnastics’, the quotation from Bracquemond in n. 22 above. In his description Van Gogh ...
- in note 22:
...is mistaken here: it was not Silvestre, but Bracquemond who wrote in his Du dessin et de la couleur:...
- 537 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Wednesday, 28 October 1885.
- in note 10:
...be painted true to life, the quotation from Bracquemond’s Du dessin et de la couleur: letter 531, ...
- 542 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 17 November 1885.
- in note 2:
Félix Bracquemond made three etchings of the composition, which shows a servant at a table: La serva...
- 544 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, on or about Thursday, 26 November 1885.
- in note 3:
...er 1885 in Du dessin et de la couleur by Félix Bracquemond, which dwelt at length on decorations. Se...
- 564 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, Thursday, 18 February 1886.
- in translation:
I re-read Bracquemond’s book again, and I find it better each time.
- in note 5:
See for Bracquemond’s Du dessin et de la couleur: letter 531, n. 2.
- 569 To Horace Mann Livens, Paris, September or October 1886.
- in note 6:
...(gymnastique de composition colorée) which Bracquemond discusses in Du dessin et de la couleur: let...
- 779 To Theo van Gogh. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Sunday, 9 June 1889.
- in translation:
...s’s great fresco, when she’s engraved by Braquemond, becomes a new work of art – or Meissonierâ...
- in note 10:
On Bracquemond’s etchings The servant, The table and The servant at the table, see letter 542, n. 2...
No essay items found
1 other item found
- Chronology
- in 1885:
...stre’s Eugène Delacroix. Documents nouveaux and Bracquemond’s Du dessin et de la couleur (526).
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Joseph Auguste (Félix) Bracquemond (1833-1914) French artist
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