6 letters found
- 014 To Willem and Caroline van Stockum-Haanebeek. London, between about Thursday, 16 October and Friday, 31 October 1873.
- in note 15:
.... (The title is undoubtedly connected with Ludwig Uhland’s poem ‘Der Wirthin Töchterlein’, wh...
- 062 To Theo van Gogh. Paris, Monday, 13 December 1875.
- in translation:
...t. You and I both liked the poems by Heine and Uhland, but watch out, old boy, it’s pretty dangerou...
...I wrote in for you? Those books by Heine and Uhland will fall into your hands again later on, and t...
- in note 3:
...had copied texts, including poems by Heine and Uhland, into two little books for Theo. See Pabst 1988...
- in note 2:
Ludwig Uhland was an important exponent of Late Romanticism in Germany.
- RM09 Copies of poems. Probably Isleworth, about September 1876.
- in note 11:
Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Avondwolken’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 164. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.
- in note 10:
...™. Van Meurs 1877, p. 153. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh quotes the first and third stanza...
- in note 9:
...™. Van Meurs 1877, p. 157. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. The last two lines in the source text read...
- in note 8:
...nhard van Meurs, ‘Een wintermorgen’. Van Meurs 1877, pp. 151-152. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.
- in note 7:
...n Meurs 1877, pp. 141-142. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. The source text has ‘ook’ instead of â...
- in note 6:
...™. Van Meurs 1877, p. 150. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh quoted only the first of the two ...
- in note 5:
...d van Meurs, ‘Een geluk in de kindsheid’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 152. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.
- in note 4:
...Van Meurs 1877, pp. 95-98. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh omitted ‘En juublende zangen’...
- in note 1:
...slations by Bernhard van Meurs of poems by Ludwig Uhland. They are included in Het leven van Ludwig ...
- 111 To Theo van Gogh. Dordrecht, Sunday, 15 April 1877.
- in translation:
Herewith a few poems by Uhland which I found moving. Do write soon, old boy, give my warm regards to ...
- in note 16:
It is not known which poems by Uhland were enclosed with the letter.
- 126 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Sunday, 5 August 1877.
- in note 18:
The poem ‘Der Wirthin Töchterlein’ by Ludwig Uhland; see letter 14, n. 15.
- 127 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Saturday, 18 August 1877.
- in translation:
...he book and print shops very good portraits of Uhland, Andersen, Dickens and many others, also of cle...
- in note 3:
A number of portraits of Ludwig Uhland are known, including the one by C. Schuler in Gedichte (1842) ...
1 essay item found
- Van Gogh as a letter-writer / The letters: from conventional to personal
- in letter_writer_2:
...an, Sainte-Beuve, Lamartine, Heine, Goethe and Uhland. In London, where he went to live in June 1873,...
1 other item found
- Chronology
- in 1875:
...or Theo of poems and prose fragments by Heine, Uhland, Sainte-Beuve, Carlyle, Michelet and Goethe, am...
... together a scrapbook for Maris, with poems by Uhland, Heine and Goethe, and fairytales by Andersen i...
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862) German poet
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