3. An exhibition of the work of living artists was held every summer at the Royal Academy of Arts (in Burlington House on Piccadilly). Three works by
James Tissot were on display that year:
London visitors, c. 1874 (Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art. Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment. Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey),
ill. 1699 ![James (Jacques-Joseph) Tissot - London visitors (Click to view image) [1699]](/vg/interface/artworkref.png)
Waiting (present whereabouts unknown), described in ‘The Royal Academy’,
The Art Journal (July 1874), no. 151, p. 200 as: ‘autumn leaves overhanging the figure of a young lady waiting in a boat’; and
The ball on shipboard, 1874 (London, Tate, presented by the Trustees of the Chantrey Bequest 1937).
Ill. 1700 ![James (Jacques-Joseph) Tissot - The ball on shipboard (Click to view image) [1700]](/vg/interface/artworkref.png)
. See Wentworth 1984, p. 201.