15 letters found
- 083 To Theo van Gogh. Ramsgate, Wednesday, 31 May 1876.
- in translation:
...out into the sea, looking like the cities Albrecht Dürer used to etch. I also saw the sea last Sund...
- 140 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Sunday, 10 February 1878.
- in note 17:
Numerous prints by Dürer were preserved in the Trippenhuis.
- in translation:
...ere I’d like to look through the etchings by Dürer here in the museum again, as we did with Rembra...
- 148 To Theo van Gogh. Laken, on or about Wednesday, 13 and Friday, 15 or Saturday, 16 November 1878.
- in note 35:
Albrecht Dürer, Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knight, Death and the Devil), 1513 (H74) (Amsterdam, Rijkspr...
- in translation:
...es and the roots of trees, as gnarled as those Dürer etched in ‘Knight, Death and the Devil’. Ha...
- 149 To Theo van Gogh. Wasmes, Thursday, 26 December 1878.
- in note 3:
The description suggests that Van Gogh has Dürer’s Ritter, Tod und Teufel (Knight, Death and the D...
- in translation:
...nd again, what one sees here reminds one of the work of Thijs Maris or Albrecht Dürer, for example.
...eir gnarled roots, which look exactly like that road in the etching by Dürer, The knight and Death.
- 158 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Friday, 24 September 1880.
- in note 25:
Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia, 1514 (H75) (Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet). Ill. 86.
- in translation:
...ment? It has some kinship with that which Albrecht Dürer expressed in his Melancholy, which in our ...
- 222 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Monday, 1 May 1882.
- in translation:
...ce of graphite. The implement Michelangelo and Dürer used was perhaps very similar to a carpenter’...
- 232 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, Sunday, 28 May 1882.
- in note 12:
For Dürer’s engraving Knight, Death and the Devil, see letter 148, n. 35.
- in translation:
...ver seen all of yours together, only the small Dürers and Holbeins and the Du Mauriers and a few oth...
...istinctive sentiment, perhaps less robust than Dürer in his Knight, Death and Devil, but perhaps eve...
- 235 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Saturday, 3 June 1882.
- in note 10:
Albrecht Dürer, The draughtsman of the reclining woman, Ill. 85. In Unterweisung der Messung mit dem...
- in translation:
... for an instrument described in a work by Albrecht Dürer and used by the Dutchmen of old. It makes ...
- 242 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Sunday, 2 July 1882.
- in note 2:
Albrecht Dürer, The promenade, c. 1497-1498, engraving (H83, B94). Ill. 87.
- in translation:
...re shadow still threatens, and the master Albrecht Dürer knew that when he placed Death behind the ...
- 251 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Wednesday, 26 July 1882.
- in translation:
...their reality and their style, drawn like Albrecht Dürer but with lots of local colour and chiarosc...
- 304 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Thursday, 25 January 1883.
- in translation:
...ed to live). This print is unbelievably good; it resembles Dürer or Quinten Massys, for example.
- 354 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Friday, 15 June 1883.
- in translation:
...Millet, The diggers, take an engraving by Albrecht Dürer, take above all the large woodcut by Mille...
- 599 To Emile Bernard. Arles, Thursday, 19 April 1888.
- in translation:
...ntempt. Corner of a chapel and Drawing by Albrecht Dürer I find less clear; for example, precisely ...
- 632 To Emile Bernard. Arles, Tuesday, 26 June 1888.
- in note 22:
Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer and Hans Holbein were Protestant artists in the circle around Martin L...
- in translation:
...ever read the life of Luther? Because Cranach, Dürer, Holbein belong to him — it’s he — his pe...
- 843 Theo van Gogh to Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Wednesday, 22 January 1890.
- in note 4:
...ition contains, in addition to 108 etchings by Dürer, a short introduction and a description of the ...
- in translation:
... at Amand-Durand’s work on the etchings by A. Dürer. You’ll see what an interesting fellow he i...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) German artist
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