22 letters found
- 102 To Theo van Gogh. Dordrecht, Wednesday, 7 and Thursday, 8 February 1877.
- in note 55:
... that the drawings in question belonged to the Bargue series (for his Cours de dessin and Exercices a...
- 136 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Monday, 3 and Tuesday, 4 December 1877.
- in note 23:
Plate 53 in Charles Bargue’s Cours de dessin is Jeune femme. Moulage sur nature (Young woman. Cast)...
- in note 22:
...ours de J.-L. Gérôme. Paris 1868-1870 by Charles Bargue was a series of drawing examples published ...
- in translation:
...rking today I had lying before me a sheet from Bargue’s Cours de dessin, 1st part, No. 39, Anne of ...
- 137 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Sunday, 9 December 1877.
- in translation:
...inally decided to hang up that page again from Bargue’s Cours de dessin, Anne of Brittany, yes, man...
- in note 39:
For Bargue’s Anne of Brittany from Cours de dessin, see letter 136, n. 22.
- 156 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Friday, 20 August 1880.
- in translation:
...e four times of the day, the format more or less that of a sheet from the Bargue drawing course.
...perhaps there would be some way for me to have Bargue’s Exercices au fusain for a while, i.e. the s...
- in note 12:
Charles Bargue, Exercices au fusain pour préparer à l’étude de l’académie d’après nature. ...
- in note 4:
The sheets in Bargue’s Cours de dessin measure c. 44 x 58 cm; the sample drawings vary in size.
- 157 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Tuesday, 7 September 1880.
- in translation:
...approximately the dimensions of a sheet of the Bargue Cours de dessin) and that I’ve completely fin...
I really hope that after copying Bargue’s two other series as well I’ll be able to draw a more o...
...teeg has pleased me by agreeing to let me have Bargue’s Exercices au fusain and Cours de dessin. Iâ...
- in note 9:
...ferring to the two-part Cours de dessin by Charles Bargue. For this drawing course, see letter 136, n...
- in note 4:
Regarding the Exercices au fusain by Bargue, see letter 156, n. 12. Tersteeg had already been called ...
- in note 2:
The sheets in Bargue’s Cours de dessin measure c. 44 x 58 cm; the drawings themselves vary in size....
- 158 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Friday, 24 September 1880.
- in translation:
I’m still working on Bargue’s Cours de dessin, and plan to finish it before undertaking anything ...
...ren’s and mine. And now that I’m doing the Bargues, quite big sheets, I couldn’t tell you what ...
... something human. But first I have to draw the Bargues and do other things that are rather tricky. Th...
- in note 3:
For Bargue's Cours de dessin, see letter 136, n. 22. The books Tersteeg sent were most probably A. de...
- 159 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Friday, 15 October 1880.
- in translation:
...sain and Les modèles d’après la bosse from Bargue, I did draw them there all the same, either in ...
...work here, that’s to say the 3rd part of the Bargues, and have a much more suitable room than the l...
...cially since I’ve already done two series of Bargues and have the 3rd in hand, which I could perhap...
- in note 7:
Charles Bargue’s Cours de dessin contained two sample drawings of the head of Dante Alighieri. In v...
- 160 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Monday, 1 November 1880.
- in translation:
I’m making headway with the examples of Bargue, and things are progressing. Moreover, I’ve recent...
- in note 12:
...nown copies after the Holbein illustrations in Bargue’s Cours de dessin, two of the Daughter of Jac...
- 162 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, January 1881.
- in translation:
...e to me once in a while. I’m now busy drawing all Bargue’s Exercices au fusain for the 3rd time.
- in note 9:
For Bargue's Exercises au fusain, see letter 156, n. 12. In early 1881 Theo was promoted – probably...
- 164 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Saturday, 2 April 1881.
- in translation:
...o because His Hon. was the first to help me with those Bargues, for which I’ll always be grateful.
... to me. If you ever have an opportunity to ask Bargue or Viollet-le-Duc, for example, about those pri...
- in note 17:
Van Gogh thanked Tersteeg for sending Bargue’s Exercices au fusain and Cours de dessin in late Augu...
- 169 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, between about Friday, 15 and on or about Wednesday, 20 July 1881.
- in translation:
...g the day, and I’m working at home these days, copying drawings by Holbein &c. from the Bargues.
- in note 3:
Three drawings after the Holbeins in Bargue’s Cours de dessin (Modèles d’après les maîtres) ar...
- 170 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, Friday, 5 August 1881.
- in translation:
...ast drawings. And that’s why I want to study Bargue’s method once more (who works with broad line...
By the time I’ve finished the Bargues it will be autumn, that’s really a wonderful time to draw, ...
- 171 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, Friday, 26 August 1881
- in note 26:
The sheets in Charles Bargue’s Exercices au fusain are made of lightly tinted, cream-coloured paper...
- 172 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, mid-September 1881.
- in translation:
...ul study, the constant and repeated drawing of Bargue’s Exercices au fusain has given me more insig...
- in note 2:
For Bargue's Exercises au fusain, see letter 156, n. 12. In addition to the digger mentioned in lette...
...ey were much larger, i.e. the same size as the Bargue sheets (ll. 41-42). The other two drawings of d...
- 215 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Thursday, 6 April 1882.
- in translation:
...some that bear a very close resemblance to the Bargues, are they therefore less original? Perhaps itâ...
- in note 9:
...ow (see letter 216); the same pose does in fact occur in Bargue. Cf. cat. Amsterdam 1996, pp. 34-35.
- in note 2:
Regarding Charles Bargue’s Exercices au fusain, see letter 156, n. 12.
- 221 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Wednesday, 26 April 1882.
- in translation:
...this or that – no. Except for lending me the Bargues, after I had literally begged him for them no ...
- in note 3:
...tten to Tersteeg to ask if he could borrow Charles Bargue’s Exercices au fusain (see letter 156). T...
- 290 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Sunday, 3 December 1882.
- in translation:
...y own study I took as my example the format of Bargue’s Exercices au fusain, because that size is e...
...ve all in the studios. I’ve listened to what Bargue says in his examples (though my work is far fro...
- in note 10:
The sheets in Bargue’s Exercices au fusain measure c. 61 x 47 cm on average; the illustrations them...
- 356 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Friday, 22 June 1883.
- in translation:
...old him how it was on my mind that I still had Bargue’s drawing examples, that I would have returne...
...then and I left. At any rate the matter of the Bargues is off my mind and I’ve thanked him again fo...
- in note 3:
This phrasing indicates that Van Gogh had had Bargue’s Exercices au fusain and Cours de dessin at h...
- 561 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, on or about Thursday, 11 February 1886.
- in note 5:
... Gogh was already familiar with it through Charles Bargue’s Cours de dessin. Modèles d’après la...
- 673 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 3 September 1888.
- in note 3:
Van Gogh knew the head of Dante from Bargue’s Cours de dessin – he had drawn it in October 1880 (...
- 874 To Theo van Gogh and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, on or about Wednesday, 21 May 1890.
- in translation:
When you can do so, you might send me Bargue’s Exercices au fusain for a while, I absolutely need i...
- in note 6:
For Bargue’s Exercices au fusain, see letter 156, n. 12. For the copies Van Gogh drew after these s...
- 880 Theo van Gogh to Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Thursday, 5 June 1890.
- in translation:
... but also satisfaction. Tasset has sent the colours today, and they leave tomorrow with the Bargues.
- in note 4:
Vincent had asked Theo to send Bargue’s Exercices au fusain. Regarding this publication, see letter...
No essay items found
1 other item found
- Documentation
- in documentation:
...up in his workroom, where he copied studies by Bargue with
tremendous zeal. I be...
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Charles Bargue (c. 1826/27-1883) French artist
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