2 letters found
- 735 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Wednesday, 9 January 1889.
- in note 9:
...’ (Viany, receveur buraliste). His wife, Marie Ourtoule, was the ‘retail tobacconist of place Lam...
- 815 To Theo van Gogh. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, on or about Friday, 25 October 1889.
- in note 1:
...nt Vincent) in October 1889 a payment of 108 francs to Tasset & Lhote. See Account book 2002, p. 44.
No essay items found
1 other item found
- Documentation
- in documentation:
3rd Mrs Maria Ortoul, married name Viany, aged 40, tobacconist, of place de
Maria Ourtoul
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Marie Viany-Ourtoule (1846-after 1909) wife of Charles Zéphirin Viagny
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