33 letters found 446 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, between about Monday, 12 and about Thursday, 15 May 1884. in note 1 : ...r 501). The rent was 75 guilders a year. Anton Kerssemakers drew a floor plan of this studio in 1914 ...
453 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Monday, 4 August 1884. in translation : I made this for someone in Eindhoven who wants to decorate a dining room. He wanted to do it with com...
But he wants to paint those panels himself, and will that work? (However, I was to design and paint t...
He ’s a man I want to remain on good terms with if possible — a former goldsmith who has amassed a...
But he specifically wants painting in the dining room, and has started painting 12 panels of flowers....
in note 8 : Hermans lived on Keizersgracht, district C, no. 384c (now no. 15), then called De Wal, in an imposing...
in note 6 : The retired Anthonius (Antoon) Petrus Hermans , formerly a goldsmith. See on this series of decoration...
454 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, between mid-August and early September 1884. in translation : ... house in Eindhoven that belongs to a former goldsmith who is now rich, and has already amassed and ...
in note 16 : ...rom Theo (during his visit to Nuenen) or from Hermans (with whom he had a great deal of contact at t...
in note 3 : Antoon Hermans .
455 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 23 August 1884. in note 3 : ...he strain of going backwards and forwards to Mr Hermans in the heat and talking about that work may a...
458 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Sunday, 21 September 1884. in translation : ... also designed the last of the 6 canvases for Hermans , Wood gatherers in the snow. So that all 6 of ...
462 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, between about Wednesday, 24 and about Monday, 29 September 1884. in translation : ... canvases I already wrote to you about. This art lover is now busy copying them, and all 6 of them a...
in note 2 : Van Gogh wrote about these finished studies for Hermans in letters 454 and 459.
463 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Tuesday, 30 September 1884. in translation : ...ave 12 photographs taken, a series of Brabant scenes, including the 6 that I’m making for Hermans .
465 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Thursday, 9 October 1884. in translation : ...tographs of the weavers. Next week I hope to send you two subjects from the decorations for Hermans .
...ine that I earned anything from that work for Hermans — the first day I got two invoices for the s...
Well, Hermans is very good and a man to keep in with, and he’s certainly rich — but — has alway...
in note 8 : Antoon Hermans was 62.
in note 2 : ...ese two photographs with letter 467. After ‘Hermans ’ he crossed out the following unfinished sen...
466 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Wednesday, 22 October 1884. in translation : ...es de visite to give you an idea of that decoration for Hermans — of which these are two canvases.
467 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 25 October 1884. in note 1 : ...ite of works that were part of the decoration for Hermans had already been enclosed with letter 466.
469 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Friday, 14 November 1884. in translation : I now have 3 people in Eindhoven who want to learn to paint and whom I’m teaching to paint still li...
in note 4 : These ‘3 people’ were the goldsmith Antoon Hermans , the tanner Anton Kerssemakers and the telegra...
...the goldsmith Antoon Hermans, the tanner Anton Kerssemakers and the telegraph operator Willem van de ...
...Kerssemakers and the telegraph operator Willem van de Wakker . On 11 November Mr van Gogh told Theo: â...
470 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Monday, 17 November 1884. in translation : ... this can become something more feasible than Hermans , who nonetheless is really sustaining his ambi...
...w acquaintance in the form of tubes of paint. Hermans is preposterously miserly or rather beastly se...
...ctedly just to say a word to them. After all, Hermans has definitely promised me that he’ll pay fo...
...d working on — and which brought me a new acquaintance in Eindhoven, who passionately wants to lear...
...also be able to get something from this new acquaintance in the form of tubes of paint. Hermans is pr...
in note 9 : ... not actually go to museums in Antwerp with Kerssemakers until around the middle of August 1885 (see ...
in note 4 : Kerssemakers was 38.
in note 3 : Kerssemakers lived at number 283 Kloosterdijk (district B), opposite the then station and outbuilding...
in note 2 : This new acquaintance was Anton Kerssemakers , who made a gouache of the same mill.
in note 5 : That Hermans had his reservations emerges from a confidential letter from Mr van Gogh to Theo: ‘Vin...
471 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Monday, 24 November 1884. in translation : Hermans has so many beautiful objects — like old jars and other antiques — that I wanted to ask y...
The ones I’ve been making with Hermans so far are simpler. But just today he said to me that if I e...
At all events I’ll ask Hermans for those objects — and make something for you with them — youâ€...
...ing in Eindhoven. The new acquaintance — the tanner — whom I told you about, is really doing his ...
in note 3 : ...ice things’ (l. 45). A number of items from Hermans ’s collection are listed in cat. Amsterdam 19...
478 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, between Thursday, 1 and about Thursday, 8 January 1885. in note 2 : This still life by Kerssemakers is not known. Kerssemakers later recalled his dealings with Van Gogh:...
in note 1 : ...rted painting still lifes in Eindhoven with Kerssemakers and others in November 1884: see letter 469....
491 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, Thursday, 9 April 1885. 493 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Monday, 13 April 1885. in translation : ... went for a splendid walk for hours with an acquaintance of mine, whose first watercolour of a figure...
in note 4 : This was Anton Kerssemakers , with whom Van Gogh had made this appointment (see letter 491).
495 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Tuesday, 21 April 1885. in translation : Last week I saw at an acquaintance’s a decidedly clever, realistic study of the head of an old woma...
in note 10 : Anton Kerssemakers , with whom Van Gogh was in touch in this period.
497 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Thursday, 30 April 1885. in translation : Yesterday I took it to an acquaintance of mine in Eindhoven, who is painting. In 3 days or so, I’ll...
in note 7 : Anton Kerssemakers ; referred to later in the letter as ‘my friend’.
498 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, early May 1885. 501 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Wednesday, 6 May 1885. in note 3 : Anton Kerssemakers recalled how sympathetically Theo had responded at the time: ‘Some days after he...
502 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Friday, 22 May 1885. in translation : ... see the Antwerp exhibition sometime with that friend of mine in Eindhoven, if I can manage it. And t...
in note 6 : ... May to 2 November 1885. This friend was Anton Kerssemakers . In his published memoirs he recalls a vi...
507 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 9 June 1885. in note 10 : ... the said Driek Dekkers and Piet van Hoorn. Kerssemakers and Vincent’s sister Elisabeth remembered ...
511 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, Friday, 3 July 1885. in translation : Dear Sir ,
...o paintings — if you’d like to come and look at them with Van de Wakker on Sunday — very well.
in note 1 : Willem van de Wakker , previously indirectly referred to in letter 469. This amateur painter was a tel...
in note 2 : ...rijstraat in Eindhoven and was a friend of Antoon Hermans (whom Van Gogh also knew). He stuffed anima...
518 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, on or about Thursday, 16 July 1885. in translation : Dear Mr Kerssemakers ,
in note 3 : ...enen sketchbook; he may have shown these to Kerssemakers . See Van der Wolk 1987, pp. 50, 53, 60, 75-7...
527 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Monday, 17 August 1885. in note 5 : ...rtain that Van Gogh went to Antwerp with Anton Kerssemakers . According to Kerssemakers’s memoirs, h...
532 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, between about Friday, 25 and about Tuesday, 29 September 1885. in note 6 : ...l-known paint manufacturer. According to Anton Kerssemakers ’s recollection, Van Gogh’s purchase m...
533 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Sunday, 4 October 1885. in translation : ... I’m going to the museum in Amsterdam with a friend of mine in Eindhoven whose studies I once showe...
in note 5 : Anton Kerssemakers .
534 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 10 October 1885. in translation : ... you too. Now I have a favour to ask you. That friend of mine in Eindhoven, who went with me to Amste...
in note 31 : Anton Kerssemakers . He jotted down several recollections of this trip. Quoted in Verzamelde brieven 1...
539 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 7 November 1885. in translation : ... Then one evening I took it with me to that acquaintance of mine in Eindhoven, who has quite an elega...
...w here’s a description of a study by that acquaintance of mine — some roofs, backs of houses, fac...
in note 16 : This painting by Kerssemakers is not known.
in note 12 : The friend is Anton Kerssemakers . He described the painting and recalled the events when Van Gogh gav...
542 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 17 November 1885. in translation : ...drawing masters. I’ve tried it out on those friends of mine in Eindhoven, and I’d dare repeat it...
...in the style of Gigoux’s Souvenirs, which my friend in Eindhoven had sent for, in which I found som...
in note 14 : These friends were Antoon Hermans , Anton Kerssemakers and Willem van de Wakker: see letter 469.
These friends were Antoon Hermans, Anton Kerssemakers and Willem van de Wakker: see letter 469.
These friends were Antoon Hermans, Anton Kerssemakers and Willem van de Wakker : see letter 469.
in note 9 : Anton Kerssemakers .
544 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, on or about Thursday, 26 November 1885. in note 9 : ... before, during an earlier trip to Antwerp. Kerssemakers recalled: ‘Suddenly he’s gone from my si...
545 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, Saturday, 28 November 1885. in note 2 : ... (Burty 1877, p. 274). Van Gogh probably borrowed the book from Kerssemakers : see letter 542, n. 10.
683 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 18 September 1888. in note 29 : ...n 1912, in the magazine De Amsterdammer, Anton Kerssemakers recalled: ‘He was always comparing pain...
4 essay items found Publication history / A flood of supplementary publications in publications_4 : Van Gogh to Anton Kerssemakers (facsimile, letter 491), in De Groene Amsterdammer, 14 April 1912, p. ...
Publication history / The first collected edition of 1952-1954 and thereafter in publications_5 : ...– the text of a postcard from Van Gogh to Kerssemakers (letter 491).Another newly published letter ...
Van Gogh to Anton Kerssemakers (letters 478, 498, 511 and 518), in Museumjournaal 13-3 (1968), pp. 17...
About this edition / The annotations in about_5 : ...to Theo: 223, 233, 373, 389 and 429; one to Kerssemakers : 511; one from Henriette Lamblot-Gaudin: 791...
...55; there is one postcard in the USA – to Kerssemakers : 491 (Washington, National Gallery of Art).
Van Gogh as a letter-writer / Strategies and rhetoric in letter_writer_4 : ... after other members of the family. With Anton Kerssemakers he was a teacher with his pupil – frien...
3 other items found Chronology in 1885 : 6-8 October
Vincent and Kerssemakers go to Amsterdam for three days.
*They visit the newly ope...
in 1884 : Early August
Retired goldsmith Antoon Hermans commissions a series of paintings from him (453).
Gives lessons in still-life painting to Hermans , Anton Kerssemakers, a tanner, and Willem van ...
...ssons in still-life painting to Hermans, Anton Kerssemakers , a tanner, and Willem van de Wakker, tele...
... to Hermans, Anton Kerssemakers, a tanner, and Willem van de Wakker , telegraph operator (469, 471).
Documentation in documentation : ... to Johan Briedé. Eindhoven, 23 June
Anton Kerssemakers
Overview of all the letters in overview : to Anton Kerssemakers , an amateur artist to whom Van Gogh gave lessons in Nuenen
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Antonius (Antoon) Petrus Hermans (1822-1897) amateur artist in Eindhoven, friend of Van Gogh or Antonius (Anton) Cornelius Augustinus Kerssemakers (1846-1924) tanner in Eindhoven, pupil of Van Gogh or Willem van de Wakker (1859-1927) telegraph operator and amateur artist in Nuenen who lived in Eindhoven
Sorted by: