3 letters found
- 018 To Caroline van Stockum-Haanebeek. London, Monday, 9 February 1874.
- in note 1:
...Nachtlied’ (The spinner’s lullaby) by Clemens Brentano, which contains the line ‘Da wir zusamme...
- 100 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, Sunday, 31 December 1876.
- in note 9:
Possibly an allusion to Clemens Brentano’s ‘Der Spinnerin Nachtlied’, see letter 18, n. 1.
- 126 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Sunday, 5 August 1877.
- in note 17:
Possibly an allusion to ‘Der Spinnerin Nachtlied’ by Clemens Brentano; see letter 18, n. 1.
1 essay item found
- Van Gogh as a letter-writer / Strategies and rhetoric
- in letter_writer_4:
...rs to the Van Stockums: Longfellow, Michelet, Brentano. The rather lengthy passage about Keats in the...
No other items found
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Clemens Brentano (1778-1842) German poet
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