3 letters found
- 743 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 28 January 1889.
- in note 17:
The chief of police Joseph d’Ornano filed the report on 27 February 1889 (see letter 750). Gauguin ...
- in translation:
...nclusion I must also tell you that the chief inspector of police came yesterday to see me, in a very...
- 747 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 18 February 1889.
- in note 1:
Acting on the orders of chief of police Joseph d’Ornano (see letter 750), the doctor Albert Delon e...
- 750 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889.
- in note 3:
As a result of this petition, Joseph d’Ornano, chief of police of the city of Arles, drew up a repo...
- in translation:
The chief of police or the chief inspector then gave the order to have me locked up once again.
... I’m convinced that Mr Mayor, as well as the chief of police, are more like friends and that theyâ...
No essay items found
1 other item found
- Documentation
- in documentation:
...tition from local residents. Arles, 27 February 1889 (ACA).Joseph d’Ornano
We, Joseph d’Ornano, Chief Inspector of Police in the city of Arles, officer of...
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Joseph d’ Ornano (1842-1906) chief of police in Arles
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