There are four ways of searching:
Explore the letters by period, by correspondent, by place and with sketches
By period displays a list of letters for each period in Van Gogh's life.
By correspondent displays a list of letters for each correspondent.
By place displays a list of letters by place of writing.
With sketches displays a list of letters that contain sketches.
By keyword or number
Type a keyword or letter number in the search field in the top menu.
Advanced search
Click on Advanced search in the top menu. The advanced form gives you detailed search options.
Search suggestions
When searching for a person, literature, work of art or Bible reference, type the first three letters and search suggestions will appear next to the form. Click on the item to select it, then click
the Search button to start your search.
Lists of people, literature, works of art or Bible references
Click on Concordance, lists, Bibliography at top right. This activates a panel with a few extra lists.
- Works of art mentioned in the letters (illustrated)
- Works of art mentioned in the annotations (not illustrated)
- Literature cited by Van Gogh
- People mentioned in the correspondence