1. Vincent had been hospitalised again since 26 February, by order of the commissioner of police (cf. also
letter 750, n. 3). Theo had received word from
Salles, as emerges from what he had written the previous day, 15 March 1889, to his sister
Willemien: ‘I cannot tell you how sad it sometimes makes me to think of that poor Vincent. At last I’ve had another letter from the Rev. Salles. Just as I had thought, his condition is the same, and not at all better. So that it’s now as good as decided that he’ll be transferred to Aix. I expected this, but now it is certain that it will be a long time before he is again completely healthy’ (FR b921). This letter from Salles is not known.
Several days earlier, the sisters
Elisabeth and Willemien had placed their share of the inheritance of 678.23 francs at Vincent’s disposal, to pay for his care. Theo wrote about this on 10 March 1889 to his brother-in-law
Joan van Houten and his sister
Anna van Houten-Van Gogh: ‘Thank you very much for your letters, which I received yesterday with the enclosed postal order for 678.23 francs, which amount Lies and Wil place at Vincent’s disposal. At the moment there’s no reason to change his present treatment, which is free. He is well cared for in the municipal hospital, where nursing is provided free of charge and according to the advice both of the house physician, who is very well disposed towards Vincent and me, and of my doctor here, who treated Vincent when he was here, it’s best to leave him there for the time being to see whether rest and regular care can put him to rights. Should the contrary be deemed necessary, that he be admitted to a special nursing home, we must decide to what extent paid care needs to be provided. I appreciate that you would like to contribute if needed, but that probably won’t be necessary. I’ll deposit the money from Lies and Wil with a banker until it’s necessary to use it for him, but I don’t think that this will be the case. As you know, Vincent gave this money to the girls and
Cor, influenced by a reproach that he had used more money for his education than the other children. I don’t think that he would take it back, no matter what the circumstances, if he could judge for himself. It is, however, a reserve in case other means should prove insufficient. At the moment I have no other news from him than that which you have probably heard from
Ma’ (FR b920). Cf. also
letter 490, n. 14 and
letter 506, n. 21.