10 letters found
- 590 To Willemien van Gogh. Arles, on or about Friday, 30 March 1888.
- in note 5:
...eliminary studies for F 513 / JH 1389 and F 551 / JH 1396, and the other extant orchards are not men...
- 596 To Emile Bernard. Arles, on or about Thursday, 12 April 1888.
- in note 2:
...presses (F 513 / JH 1389) and Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396). See letter 597.
- 597 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Friday, 13 April 1888.
- in note 8:
... and Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396). The third work was probably Orchard (F 5...
- 599 To Emile Bernard. Arles, Thursday, 19 April 1888.
- in note 5:
...89), Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396) and probably Orchard (F 552 / JH 1381) or...
- 600 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Friday, 20 April 1888.
- in note 7:
...89), Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396), Orchard (F 552 / JH 1381) and Orchard wi...
- 602 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 1 May 1888.
- in note 11:
... and Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396), which were still at an early stage when ...
- 606 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 7 May 1888.
- in note 4:
... [8] Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396), [9] Orchard (F 552 / JH 1381), [10] Orch...
- 608 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Thursday, 10 May 1888.
- in note 8:
... and Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396). We learn from letters 615 and 631 that V...
- 615 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 28 May 1888.
- in note 3:
... Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396) and Orchard bordered by cypresses (F 513 ...
- 631 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Monday, 25 June 1888.
- in note 5:
...d bordered by cypresses (F 513 / JH 1389) and Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396).
No essay items found
No other items found
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Work of art:
Vincent van Gogh - Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396)
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