2 letters found
- 599 To Emile Bernard. Arles, Thursday, 19 April 1888.
- in translation:
...s bristling with blue rocks between which the roads wind in the backgrounds of Cranach and Van Eyck.
- 632 To Emile Bernard. Arles, Tuesday, 26 June 1888.
- in note 22:
Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer and Hans Holbein were Protestant artists in the circle around Martin L...
- in translation:
... the Flemish, German primitives (V. Eyck, and Cranach)..... They’re pagans, and only interest me f...
...ave you ever read the life of Luther? Because Cranach, Dürer, Holbein belong to him — it’s he â...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) German artist
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