3 letters found
- 013 To Theo van Gogh. London, Saturday, 13 September 1873.
- in translation:
... things by A. and Julien de Vriendt, Cluysenaar, Wouters, Coosemans, Gabriël, De Schampheleer, &c.
- in note 9:
Joseph Théodore Coosemans, Interior of a wood and The marsh, pp. 66-67, cat. nos. 1720 and 1724.
- 148 To Theo van Gogh. Laken, on or about Wednesday, 13 and Friday, 15 or Saturday, 16 November 1878.
- in translation:
...arkable paintings, such as that landscape by Coosemans, among others. I’m very happy about the two...
- in note 17:
As far as is known, Joseph Coosemans’s The artists’ path at Barbizon, 1878 (Brussels, Musées Roy...
- 544 To Theo van Gogh. Antwerp, on or about Thursday, 26 November 1885.
- in note 21:
Joseph Théodore Coosemans, A winter’s day in the Kempen, 1879. Ill. 2168.
- in translation:
...fine landscapes by C. de Cock, Lamorinière, Coosemans, Asselbergs, Rosseels, Baron, Munthe, Achenba...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Joseph Théodore Coosemans (1828-1904) Belgian artist
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