16 letters found

  1. 027 To Theo van Gogh. London, Friday, 31 July 1874.
  2. 213 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Friday, 24 March 1882.
  3. 214 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Sunday, 2 April 1882.
  4. 215 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Thursday, 6 April 1882.
  5. 217 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Friday, 14 April 1882.
  6. 256 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, Sunday, 13 August 1882.
  7. 295 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Friday, 22 December 1882.
  8. 357 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Wednesday, 27 June 1883.
  9. 360 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Saturday, 7 July 1883.
  10. 361 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Wednesday, 11 July 1883.
  11. 362 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Friday, 13 July 1883.
  12. 363 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, Sunday, 22 July 1883.
  13. 365 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, Monday, 23 July 1883.
  14. 409 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Thursday, 6 December 1883.
  15. 495 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Tuesday, 21 April 1885.
  16. 534 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 10 October 1885.

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1 other item found

  1. Chronology
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Bernardus Johannes Blommers (1845-1914) Dutch artist
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