5 letters found
- 361 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Wednesday, 11 July 1883.
- in note 23:
...s apparent from a letter from Breitner to Jan Pieter Veth of 1901. See Hefting 1970, pp. 56, 136, an...
- 611 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Sunday, 20 May 1888.
- in note 5:
...tions Dordrecht because the artist and critic Jan Veth of Dordrecht was organizing the exhibition –...
- 620 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Tuesday, 5 June 1888.
- in note 5:
...tion of the Nederlandsche Etsclub, among them Jan Veth of Dordrecht, who had asked Theo to lend works...
- 813 Theo van Gogh to Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Tuesday, 22 October 1889.
- in note 3:
The painter and art critic Jan Pieter Veth had close ties to writers and artists associated with the ...
- in translation:
... son, who has been living in Paris for a while, Veth, a Dutchman who does portraits and who writes in...
- 845 Jo van Gogh-Bonger to Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Wednesday, 29 January 1890.
- in note 2:
...50, n. 2), his sister Lies and the art critic Jan Veth. Mrs van Gogh wrote to Theo on 1 February 1890...
1 essay item found
- Publication history / The early publications of the letters
- in publications_2:
...d regular contacts with the artist and critic Jan Veth, who was married to her old school friend Anna...
...e Gids ran a favourable review of the exhibition in Kunstzaal Panorama in Amsterdam written by Veth.
No other items found
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Jan Pieter Veth (1864-1925) Dutch writer and artist
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