11 letters found
- 256 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, Sunday, 13 August 1882.
- in note 1:
...an Rappard was in Drenthe with the painter L.W.R. Wenckebach. See exhib. cat. Amsterdam 1974, p. 12.
- 284 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, Friday, 17 or Saturday, 18 November 1882.
- in note 6:
In November 1882 Van Rappard and Willem Wenckebach had worked together on the large decoration The mu...
- 362 To Theo van Gogh, The Hague, on or about Friday, 13 July 1883.
- in note 7:
...ographs have survived from the estate of L.W.R. Wenckebach. They belonged to the collection of Antho...
- 454 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, between mid-August and early September 1884.
- in note 1:
... of September Van Rappard and his friend L.W.R. Wenckebach went on a walking tour across the Hondsru...
- 516 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, on or about Wednesday, 15 July 1885.
- in note 2:
Willem Wenckebach, who in 1880 joined the Utrecht art lovers’ society, Vereniging ‘Kunstliefde’...
- in translation:
And for my part I’d advise you and Wenckebach, whom I’ll probably see tomorrow, just to come now ...
I’ll speak to Wenckebach tomorrow — I’ll tell him — without details — that I’m sorry you ...
- 517 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, on or about Thursday, 16 July 1885.
- in translation:
I spoke to Wenckebach today — and since you’d also had a word with him on the subject and he seem...
In fact,W. thought that you would take them back. I’ve just shown him that if my figures have chang...
- 518 To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, on or about Thursday, 16 July 1885.
- in translation:
It was with pleasure that I made Wenckebach’s acquaintance.
...miliar with it so that there’s conviction. Wenckebach told me straightaway that he thought you shou...
My impression of Wenckebach is very favourable, but all the same I wonder why for God’s sake landsc...
- 519 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Thursday, 16 July 1885.
- in note 1:
Willem Wenckebach was awarded a bronze medal at the London International and Universal Exhibition (Cr...
- in translation:
I had a visit today from Wenckebach, a painter from Utrecht who sees Rappard every day. He makes land...
I showed Wenckebach figures that Rappard thought good in the past, and at the same time those that Iâ...
Thus Wenckebach said, for instance, that he liked the thing of the old tower, which I painted last ye...
- 526 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, between about Saturday, 8 and about Saturday, 15 August 1885.
- in translation:
I sent Wenckebach an article about the Salon by Paul Mantz, and asked him to let you read it too. Did...
- 528 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, on or about Tuesday, 18 August 1885.
- in translation:
I had just painted some cottages when Wenckebach came to see me.
I said to Wenckebach recently that I didn’t know a painter who had as many faults as I have — but...
...ble and the whole design sympathetic. When you see Wenckebach, would you please give him my regards.
- 529 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, on or about Wednesday, 19 August 1885.
- in translation:
Rappard had spoken to Wenckebach, and in his letter there was no longer any trace of the tone he’d ...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Ludwig Willem Reijmert Wenckebach (1860-1937) Dutch artist
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