2 letters found
- 336 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Wednesday, 11 April 1883.
- in note 11:
In a letter to Theo a few years later A.H. Koning said of the effect of exhibiting in this window on ...
- 578 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Friday, 24 February 1888.
- in translation:
...’d just have to get things straight with his father, so that you wouldn’t have any responsibiliti...
- in note 10:
Arnold Hendrik Koning, a lawyer in Winschoten.
No essay items found
2 other items found
- Overview of all the letters
- in overview:
to Arnold Hendrik Koning, Dutch artist whom Van Gogh met in Paris
from Arnold Hendrik Koning
- Chronology
- in 1887:
...de Clichy, with work by Anquetin, Bernard, Arnold Koning, Toulouse-Lautrec and himself. He meets Geo...
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Arnold Hendrik Koning (1831-1895) Dutch lawyer, father of Arnold Hendrik Koning
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