12 letters found
- 102 To Theo van Gogh. Dordrecht, Wednesday, 7 and Thursday, 8 February 1877.
- in note 55:
.... van Dalen, Geschiedenis van Dordrecht. 2 vols. Dordrecht 1931, vol. 2, pp. 926-928.Cours de dessin
- 136 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Monday, 3 and Tuesday, 4 December 1877.
- in note 23:
Plate 53 in Charles Bargue’s Cours de dessin is Jeune femme. Moulage sur nature (Young woman. Cast)...
- in note 22:
Cours de dessin. Avec le concours de J.-L. Gérôme. Paris 1868-1870 by Charles Bargue was a s...
- 137 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Sunday, 9 December 1877.
- in note 39:
For Bargue’s Anne of Brittany from Cours de dessin, see letter 136, n. 22.Cours de dessin
- 156 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Friday, 20 August 1880.
- in note 4:
The sheets in Bargue’s Cours de dessin measure c. 44 x 58 cm; the sample drawings vary in size.
- 157 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Tuesday, 7 September 1880.
- in note 9:
Van Gogh is referring to the two-part Cours de dessin by Charles Bargue. For this drawing course, see...
- in note 2:
The sheets in Bargue’s Cours de dessin measure c. 44 x 58 cm; the drawings themselves vary in size....
- 158 To Theo van Gogh. Cuesmes, Friday, 24 September 1880.
- in note 3:
...s view, a ‘comprehensible’ work; letter 214). See cat. Amsterdam 1996, pp. 18-21.Cours de dessin
- 159 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Friday, 15 October 1880.
- in note 7:
Charles Bargue’s Cours de dessin contained two sample drawings of the head of Dante Alighieri. In v...
- in note 3:
Vincent’s mention of the third part of Cours de dessin actually refers to the second part, Modèles...
- 160 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Monday, 1 November 1880.
- in note 12:
...r the Holbein illustrations in Bargue’s Cours de dessin, two of the Daughter of Jacob Meyer, after...
- 164 To Theo van Gogh. Brussels, Saturday, 2 April 1881.
- in note 17:
...ending Bargue’s Exercices au fusain and Cours de dessin in late August or early September 1880 (se...
- 169 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, between about Friday, 15 and on or about Wednesday, 20 July 1881.
- in note 3:
...obably Daughter of Jacob Meyer, after Holbein (F 833 / JH 13). See letter 160, n. 12.Cours de dessin
- 356 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Friday, 22 June 1883.
- in note 3:
...teeg first lent them to him, around the beginning of September 1880 (cf. letter 157).Cours de dessin
- 673 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 3 September 1888.
- in note 3:
...ter in the month that Vincent was familiar with this article (see letter 683, n. 15).Cours de dessin
No essay items found
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Cours de dessin. Avec le concours de J.-L. Gérôme - Charles Bargue
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