Dordrecht, 8 March 1877

My dear Uncle,
When Pa was here recently1 he told me that you had asked whether Theo and I could come and see you some day.
I long so much to see and talk to you and Aunt again, and so I’d like to ask if it would be convenient for you if Theo and I came next Sunday with the first train from The Hague, and stayed with you until the afternoon or evening.
Theo has to go on a trip soon,2 and if we don’t do it now it may not be possible for a long time.
It was a wonderful day when Pa was here recently; we took a walk together and also went to the museum to see the paintings by Scheffer. I’m doing well here, at the beginning of the year there’s a lot of work in the shop, so I’m there until 12 or 1 o’clock at night.
I’m happy to be back in Holland, only I loved the work over there3 – even with all the trouble and deep disappointment connected with it – and continue to do so, and the disappointment and, for once, relative failure make me deeply attached to it.  1v:2
It’s wonderful that Anna has found another situation straightaway; I only hope it will be to her liking.4
If it’s all right with you that Theo and I come next Sunday, please write a postcard to one of us, and believe me meanwhile, after warm regards to you and Aunt

Your loving nephew

I would have written to you about this earlier if Pa hadn’t asked me only yesterday to go next Sunday.5


Br. 1990: 107 | CL: 87a
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Cornelis Marinus van Gogh
Date: Dordrecht, Thursday, 8 March 1877

1. Mr van Gogh had visited Vincent in Dordrecht on Friday, 16 February. On 19 February he wrote to Theo: ‘Last Friday I arrived home safely and found everyone well. From 2-6 o’clock I was with Vincent. He was already waiting for me at the railway station, and he was given time off for as long as I was there. Again I received a very favourable impression of Mr Braat. He is certainly an upright and amiable man. Together we visited Rev. Keller van Hoorn, who received us so charmingly. Then we went to his lodging-house for a little while. We also saw the museum with paintings by Ary Scheffer, extremely beautiful. Then we walked for a bit – and ate together, steak and potatoes and a glass of beer for 1.90 guilders for two, it was really good there. Dordrecht is positively beautiful. You must also go there some time, for I fear that Vincent does not have enough money at present to go and visit you. You could do it sometime on a Sunday. But then you should write to him in advance. Then you and he would have a pleasant day. I did my best to press some money into Vincent’s hand – but he won’t have anything to do with it. He had to pay 9 guilders to have his trunk sent from England, so he won’t have anything left over for a while. He really is such a good fellow, I enjoyed his company, and at the museum he was really in his element’ (FR b2507).
2. This refers to the sales trip intended to promote Goupil’s new prints and editions (the so-called nouveautés).
3. In Isleworth.
4. Anna was to become a companion to the Van Houten family in Hengelo in the province of Overijssel in the east of the Netherlands. She hoped to start work on 1 March (FR b2504 and b2505), but this was postponed until 6 April; see letter 110, n. 3.
5. This visit was to take place a week later, on Sunday, 18 March; cf. letter 108, n. 1, and FR b2514 and b2518.