4. By
Ecce Homo Van Gogh was probably referring to a reproduction after a work by
Guido Reni (Paris, Musée du Louvre), which in any case was published by Goupil (
Cat. Goupil 1877, p. 17); a burin engraving of this work had also been made by A. Delaforge (
Chalcographie 1954, p. 119, no. 5940). There was also a reproduction of Reni’s
Ecce Homo in circulation, the verso of which displayed a ‘poetical inscription by
J.J.L. ten Kate’. On one such print Van Gogh wrote, inspired by
Rom. 8:35 and
8:39: ‘
Nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ nor things present nor things to come’ (FR b1454).
Ill. 1798 ![Guido Reni - Ecce Homo (Click to view image) [1798]](/vg/interface/artworkref.png)
. Van Gogh also quoted
Rom. 8:38-39 in
letters 102 and
130. Cf. exhib. cat. London
1992, p. 143, cat. no. 104. On another copy of the print (
Ill. 3119 ![Guido Reni - Ecce Homo (Click to view image) [3119]](/vg/interface/artworkref.png)
, from the estate of Willemien van Gogh), he wrote: ‘Hemel en aarde zullen voorbij gaan, maar Mijne woorden zullen geenszins voorbij gaan’ (‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away’,
Matt. 24:35,
Mark 13:31 and
Luke 21:33), and ‘Als droevig zijnde maar altijd blijde’ (As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing,
2 Cor. 6:9-10).
Görlitz recollected the following from this period. In early 1877, Van Gogh had asked permission ‘to affix some biblical prints to the wallpaper ... After half an hour the whole room was decorated with scenes from the Bible and with Ecce Homos, and below every head of Christ, Van Gogh had written: “steeds droevig, maar altijd blijde” [ever sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing]’. See Verzamelde brieven 1973, vol. 4, pp. 327-334 (quotation on p. 330).