1. Vincent had promised to send Theo Jules Breton’s Les champs et la mer; see letters 60 and 61.
2. Ludwig Uhland was an important exponent of Late Romanticism in Germany.
3. Van Gogh had copied texts, including poems by Heine and Uhland, into two little books for Theo. See Pabst 1988, pp. 33-36.
4. The novel L’ami Fritz by Erckmann-Chatrian; see letter 55, n. 24.
5. The photograph of The farewells [1746] by Brion; see letter 54, n. 15.
6. It is not know which paintings this refers to.
7. The painting Ploughing by Charles Emile Jacque had been sent from Goupil’s in Paris, arriving at the Hague branch on 13 September 1875. It was shipped back to Paris on 9 February 1876 (RKD, Goupil Ledgers).