To the quickguide
[Letterhead: Goupil Paris]

Paris, 9 Nov. 1875.

My dear Theo,
It’s time you heard from me again, though this will only be a short note, for I haven’t much time.
Thanks for what you sent me, I’m glad to have it. I’m glad that you were in Etten on the day of the induction, for Pa and Ma’s sake as well as yours.1 You must write and tell me what it was like.
Uncle Vincent and Aunt2 left yesterday. I went to see them quite often. I’m sorry I didn’t see them at the train yesterday when they left. Herewith a letter, give it to Uncle when you see him, it explains why we didn’t see each other at the station.  1v:2
Autumn is really here, you’ll be going for walks fairly often. Do you get up early? I do regularly, it’s good to make a habit of it. It’s precious and already very dear to me, that early morning twilight. I usually go to bed early in the evening. Every morning my worthy Englishman cooks barley porridge; how I’d like you to be here in the morning sometime.
Anna seems to get up early as well. She doesn’t have it easy, and she certainly makes herself very useful.
Well, more soon, probably. Do write again soon, and freely.
I shake your hand in thought, and am ever

Your loving brother


Br. 1990: 056 | CL: 44
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Paris, Tuesday, 9 November 1875

1. Mr van Gogh’s induction to the living at Etten took place on Sunday, 24 October 1875. He expressed his pleasure at Theo’s presence (FR b2370, 3 November 1875).
1. Mr van Gogh’s induction to the living at Etten took place on Sunday, 24 October 1875. He expressed his pleasure at Theo’s presence (FR b2370, 3 November 1875).