16. This move did not take place; on 4 February Theo rented an apartment at 8 cité Pigalle. He moved into the apartment with
Jo on 20 April 1889. See
Brief happiness 1999, pp. 27, 137. In January Theo had drawn a floor plan for Jo of the layout of the apartment (FR b1900; see
Brief happiness 1999, p. 128 (with illustration opposite p. 144). He also gave his parents-in-law detailed information about the new apartment, including a floor plan. Jo’s
parents were particularly pleased about the short distance to boulevard Montmartre, which meant that Theo could at least lunch regularly with Jo at home – and ‘That’s a load off your mind, isn’t it, the worry about renting, and the nicest thing is that you will be able to see some greenery in the summer’ (FR b2892, 9 February 1889; FR b2894, 26 February 1889).