1. Van Gogh thought his bill was too high and appealed to the justice of the peace. According to what
Mrs Carrel of the hotel of the same name recalled later, the dispute was based on a misunderstanding: ‘there would have been no disagreement about the price; however Vincent would have wanted to pay when the Carrels were eating; he would have been asked to wait until later; at which point Vincent would have gone to the “justice of the peace” to hand over the amount owed!’ (il n’y aurait pas eu de désaccord quant au prix; toutefois Vincent aurait voulu payer au moment où le ménage Carrel se trouvait à table; on lui aurait fait remarquer qu’il aurait pu remettre cela à plus tard; sur ce, Vincent se serait rendu chez le “juge de paix” pour lui confier la somme due!) (see Stokvis
1929, p. 4).