5. In all probability Theo had brought
Félix Bracquemond’s recently published
Du dessin et de la couleur (On drawing and colour) (1885) with him when he came to Nuenen (cf.
letter 526) – Vincent would like to keep it for a little while longer. The remarks links up with the statement that he had sent drawings to Paris. Bracquemond discusses the concepts of ‘warm’, ‘cool’ and ‘light’ in the chapter titled ‘Warmth – Cold. Relative aspects resulting from a light, a colour, a brightness’ (Chaleur – Froideur. Apparences relatives émanant d’une lumière, d’une couleur, d’une clarté) (see Bracquemond 1885, pp. 57-96). It is a textbook in which the artist Bracquemond explains numerous technical concepts.