1. This letter from Peyron to Theo is not known.
On 3 August Peyron had sent Theo a telegram about Vincent, which Jo van Gogh-Bonger wrote about to her sister Mien on 9 August 1889: ‘Bad news from Vincent. On Saturday at 6 o’clock we got a telegram from the doctor – Vincent ill, letter follows. We worried all day Sunday, but fortunately a letter arrived around 4 o’clock; he’s having another crisis and tried to poison himself with his brush and paints. After that letter, nothing – you can imagine how upset Theo is – he’s coughing again and looks worse than he did before – tomorrow he has to see Rivet again’ (FR b4292).
On a previous occasion Van Gogh supposedly tried to drink turpentine (see letter 752, n. 1); later on, paint will again prove a threat to Van Gogh’s health (see letter 835, n. 1 and letter 838).
2. Hermine Bonger-Weissman.
3. Regarding Van Gogh’s previous attacks, see letter 750, n. 4.
4. Van Gogh wrote this in letter 790.