4 letters found
- 304 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Thursday, 25 January 1883.
- in note 75:
...Charles Green, William Small, Luke Fildes, Helen Paterson, Godefroy Durand, Henry Woods and Francis W...
- 305 To Theo van Gogh. The Hague, Friday, 26 or Saturday, 27 January 1883.
- in translation:
Below an English figure of a woman (by Paterson) is the name Dolorosa, which pretty well expresses it...
- in note 2:
Helen Paterson, also known as Helen Allingham, ‘Ninety-three’ – Dolorosa, in The Graphic 9 (13 ...
Helen Paterson, also known as Helen Allingham, ‘Ninety-three’ – Dolorosa, in The Graphic 9 (13 ...
- 309 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Thursday, 8 February 1883.
- in note 26:
For Paterson’s ‘Ninety-three’ – Dolorosa, see letter 305, n. 2.
- in translation:
I saw a figure by Paterson in The Graphic, an illustration for 93 by Hugo, called Dolorosa.
- 325 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Monday, 5 March 1883.
- in note 33:
...hought that here Van Gogh was referring to Helen Paterson, Carlyle in his garden, in The Graphic 14 (...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Helen Paterson (Allingham) (1848-1926) English artist
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