5 letters found
- 268 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 23 September 1882.
- in translation:
...ome sketches by him of Ireland and of Jernsey in which there was a great deal of sentiment. Montbard
- in note 10:
... Guernsey. This must be a case of conflation. Montbard did at least one work about Jersey, namely a v...
- in note 9:
...he estate there are the following prints by G. Montbard on Irish themes: Types et physionomies d’I...
- 275 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, between about Tuesday, 24 and about Friday, 27 October 1882.
- in translation:
...w because the parcel would be so big if I sent them flat, for they can no longer be folded. Montbard
You write that you have 7 months of Montbard; if you let me know which I may be able to complete them...
- in note 43:
...ustré (1881) each month there was a print by Montbard with the current month as its subject. The eng...
- in note 41:
G. Montbard, Mendiants algériens à la porte d’une mosquee (Algerian beggars at the door of a mosq...
- 276 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Sunday, 29 October 1882.
- in translation:
...Montbard, Arab beggars, I wrote to you about? — you know that they’re at your disposal. Montbard
- in note 11:
... bird charmer in the Jardin des Tuileries and Montbard, Algerian beggars at the door of a mosque, see...
- 309 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Thursday, 8 February 1883.
- in translation:
...plicate. I lack that one (although I have other large Heilbuths) and am just reminding you. Montbard
- in note 19:
For Montbard’s Algerian beggars at the door of a mosque, see letter 275, n. 41.
- 311 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 10 February 1883.
- in note 8:
From the 11 prints of engravings after Montbard and Overend in the estate, which were mentioned earli...
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Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Charles Auguste Loye (G. Montbard) (1841-1905) French artist
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