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901 Theo van Gogh to Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Tuesday, 22 July 1890.

No. 901 (Brieven 1990 906, Complete Letters -)
From: Theo van Gogh
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Paris, Tuesday, 22 July 1890

Source status
Original manuscript

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. b770 V/1962

Letter headed: ‘Paris le 22 Juillet 1890’.

Ongoing topics
Theo and Jo’s visit to the Netherlands (898)
Theo considers leaving the firm of Boussod, Valadon & Cie (894)

original text
le 22 Juillet 1890

Mon cher Vincent,
Jo m’envoit de Hollande ta lettre qui nous avait suivie & je la lis un peu avec surprise. Où as tu vu ces violentes querelles domestiques?1 Que nous étions très fatigués par des préoccupations ininterrompues au sujet de l’avenir de nous tous, oui; qu’avec cette affaire vis à vis de la maison2 je ne savais pas très bien ce qui était mon intérêt, oui, mais vraiment je ne vois pas les querelles domestiques intenses dont tu parles. Est ce la discussion avec Dries? Certes je lui avais voulu voir un peu plus d’audace à entreprendre  1v:2 quelque chose,3 mais il est comme cela et ce n’est pas une raison de rompre avec lui. Est ce peut être, mais je ne peu pas croire cela, que tu considère comme querelle domestique intense que Jo te demandait de ne pas mettre le Prevost4 à un endroit où tu voulais l’accrocher. Elle n’a pas pensée te blesser avec cela & certes aurait préféré que tu l’y laisses que de te fâcher pour cela. Son enfant la préoccupe de trop pour qu’elle aie beaucoup le temps de penser à la peinture & quoiqu’elle voit déjà bien mieux que dans le temps elle ne voit pas toujours de suite ce qu’il y a dedans. Non si c’était cette bagatelle-là je te dirais à toi de la cesser car cela n’en vaut pas la peine que l’on s’en occupe. J’espère mon cher Vincent que ta santé va bien & comme tu disais que tu écris difficilement & ne me parle pas de ton travail, j’ai un peu crainte qu’il y a quelque chose qui te gène ou qui ne  1v:3 marche pas. Dans ce cas va un peu voir le Dr Gachet, il te donnera peut être quelque chose qui te remette bien. Donne moi de tes nouvelles aussitôt que possible.
Mardi dernier j’ai conduit Jo & l’enfant jusqu’à Leiden et j’y suis rester jusqu’à Jeudi. La mère est bien un peu vieillie, mais elle était si content de voir son petit fils & c’était amusant de voir comme elle le prenait & le rendait content. Wil aussi allait bien & était très gentile pour nous. Jo est rester chez eux encore un jour après mon départ & alors est parti à Amsterdam où elle est encore.
J’espère que tout ce monde s’efforce un peu à ne pas la fatiguer mais qu’on lui laisse un peu de repos, elle en avait tant besoin car c’est une corvée je t’assure. Malheureusement, comme içi le temps n’y est pas stabilea de sorte qu’elle ne peut pas être beaucoup en plein air & l’enfant  1r:4 non plus. Je pense qu’il se pourrait bien qu’elle désire de revenir plus vite que nous avions fait le projet, mais c’est bon d’un autre côté que sa maison içi lui plaise plus que celle de ses parents. Je serai très content quand elle sera de retour car la maison est si déserte! et le petit me manque aussi. Notre vie, justement par cet enfant est si étroitement liée que tu ne dois pas avoir peur qu’une petite différance, si tu en a vue une, puisse occasionner un écartement qui rendra difficile une conciliation. Ne penses donc plus à cela. Moi le voyage en Hollande m’a fait beaucoup de bien & m’a fait beaucoup me reposer, dont j’avais bien besoin.5 Espérons que la santé à nous tous puisse s’améliorer, car la santé c’est beaucoup. Çi inclus je t’envois fr 50 – écris moi vite & crois moi ton frère qui t’aime.


22 July 1890

My dear Vincent,
From Holland Jo sent me your letter, which had followed us, and I read it with some surprise. Where did you see these violent domestic quarrels?1 That we were very tired by uninterrupted preoccupations on the subject of all our futures, yes; that I didn’t really know where my interest lay with this affair as regards the company,2 yes, but really I don’t see the intense domestic quarrels you speak of. Is it the discussion with Dries? Certainly I’d wanted to see him a little bolder in undertaking  1v:2 something,3 but that’s how it is, and it’s no reason to break with him. Is it perhaps, but I can’t believe it, that you consider it an intense domestic quarrel that Jo asked you not to put the Prévost4 in the place where you wanted to hang it? She hadn’t thought to hurt you with that, and certainly would have preferred you to leave it there than to get angry about it. Her child preoccupies her too much for her to have much time to think about painting, and although she already sees much better than she used to, she doesn’t always see immediately what’s in it. No, if it was that trifle I would tell you to stop it, for it’s not worth the trouble of bothering with it. I hope, my dear Vincent, that your health is good, and as you said that you’re writing with difficulty and don’t speak to me about your work, I’m a little afraid that there’s something that’s bothering you or that isn’t  1v:3 going right. In that case, do go and see Dr Gachet, he’ll perhaps give you something that will buck you up again. Give me news of you as soon as possible.
Last Tuesday I took Jo and the child to Leiden and stayed there until Thursday. Mother has indeed aged a little, but she was so pleased to see her grandson, and it was amusing to see how she took him and made him happy. Wil was also well and was very kind to us. Jo stayed with them for another day after I left, and then left for Amsterdam where she still is.
I hope that everyone is making efforts not to tire her but is allowing her a little rest, she had such need of it, for it’s hard labour, I assure you. Unfortunately, like here, the weather isn’t settled there, so that she can’t be out in the open air much and nor can  1r:4 the child. I think that it might well be that she wishes to come back sooner than we’d planned, but it’s good on the other hand that her house here pleases her more than that of her parents. I’ll be very pleased when she’s back, for the house is so deserted! And I miss the little one too. Our life, precisely through this child, is so closely bound together that you mustn’t be afraid that one small disagreement, if you saw one, might occasion a divergence that will make conciliation difficult. So don’t think about that any more. As for me, the journey to Holland has done me a lot of good and made me take a lot of rest, which I very much needed.5 Let’s hope that the health of all of us may improve, for health is a great deal. Enclosed I’m sending you 50 francs – write to me quickly, and believe me your brother who loves you.

1. On 20 July 1890, Theo wrote to Jo about Vincent’s letter, which is not known, but which must have been written about 16 July (it was apparently forwarded to the Netherlands, and finally arrived, via Jo, on 19 July at Theo’s in Paris): ‘I understand from Vincent’s letter that what he means by domestic quarrels are my attempts to achieve my own ends in the matters I discussed with Dries. That’s the only explanation I can think of, it’s certainly not clear. If only he’s not melancholy and heading for another crisis, it was all going so well’ (See FR b2058; Brief happiness 1999, pp. 249-250, with a small change in the translation).
2. This refers to the firm of Boussod, Valadon & Cie.
3. Andries had withdrawn his offer to be Theo’s business associate. See letter 900, n. 6.
4. For Prévost’s Lady with a dog , see letter 658, n. 9.
a. Read: ‘stable’.
5. The journey had also brought Theo to the decision to stay for the time being with Boussod, Valadon & Cie. On 22 July, Theo informed his mother and Willemien about his interview with his employers the day before (about which he says nothing at all to Vincent): ‘I haven’t written to you since I’ve been back, because I was waiting for a resolution on the part of the Gentlemen. On the way and coming back here, I realized so clearly that recklessly giving up my position to plunge into uncertainty was a very dangerous matter, for I did have hope of finding the money to start my own business, but was not sure of it by any means. I thought about it so much that I was nearly desperate about having let things come so far and perhaps being very soon without one penny of income. So yesterday morning I had another talk with the Gentlemen and found that they are not really ill-disposed towards me. I said that when I had first spoken I had had rather a lot of faith in my lucky stars, and had not thought enough about the power of the firm, but that on second thoughts I had come to the conclusion that it was wiser for me to stay and that even if they thought I didn’t deserve a rise, I would reconcile myself to it and manage to get by. Etienne B was then very friendly and said that nothing had been decided yet about my salary and that they would see if they could make things easier for me. I only hope that now I can do some business, that would surely be the best thing to help them make up their minds, but it is a quiet time [for business]’ (FR b933).