2. Aurier reworked this passage in his article ‘Les isolés: Vincent van Gogh’, which appeared in the
Mercure de France of January 1890, to provide the following characterization of Van Gogh: ‘a dreamer, an exalted believer, a devourer of beautiful Utopias, who lives on ideas and illusions. For a long time he has taken delight in imagining a renovation of art made possible through a displacement of civilization: an art of tropical regions.’ (un rêveur, un croyant exalté, un dévoreur de belles utopies, vivant d’idées et de songes. Longtemps, il s’est complu à imaginer une rénovation d’art, possible par un déplacement de civilisation: un art des régions tropicales). See also Rewald 1978, p. 342 and n. 74.