1. This was letter 711.
2. Gauguin arrived at four in the morning on Tuesday, 23 October. It had taken him from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday morning to get from Pont-Aven to Arles, as he told Schuffenecker on 25 October 1888. See Merlhès 1989, pp. 124-127. For the route he took see Correspondance Gauguin 1984, p. 510 (n. 294), exhib. cat. Chicago 2001, p. 54 (fig. 5), and Murphy 2016, p. 281 (n. 1).
3. Van Gogh and Gauguin prepared the jute Gauguin had bought themselves (see letter 716, n. 8). See exhib. cat. Chicago 2001, pp. 354-369, for the paintings they did on the jute and the way they prepared it.
4. Emile Bernard, Breton women in the meadow (private collection). Ill. 2236 [2236].
5. This was Meijer de Haan.
a. Read: ‘habiter’.
6. This was one of the two no. 30 canvases that Van Gogh was to say in letter 714 he had done ‘this week’, namely Sower (F 494 / JH 1617 [2739]) and Ploughed field with a tree-trunk (‘The furrows’) (F 573 / JH 1618 [2740]).
[2739] [2740]