1. Koning left Paris on 28 May. He wrote to Theo from his home in Winschoten on 4 June: ‘I had a nice letter from Vincent. I shall write to him tomorrow and let him have my address’ (FR b1077).
2. See for this exhibition letter 613, n. 1.
3. Koning wrote to Theo on 15 September 1888 about his stay in Paris: ‘As for me, all I can say is that the trip to Paris did me a great deal of good. Never before have I seen nature as beautiful as I did this summer; most people who weren’t used to my studies thought they were ugly at first, but when they looked at them for a long time they found something in them after all. Obviously I don’t give a damn, I specifically stick to a set programme which I arrived at chiefly through Vincent and Breitner and try by this means to achieve an original concept’ (FR b1080).
4. See letters 600 and 614 for the exchange with Koning.
5. Vincent means the two reed pen drawings he had previously sent Theo, which he initially wanted to exchange with Koning: Orchard with Arles in the background (F 1516 / JH 1376 [2575]) and The white orchard (F 1414 / JH 1385 [2583]). See letter 600.
[2575] [2583]
6. View of Arles from a hill (F 1452 / JH 1437 [2618]). Van Gogh planned to send the drawing to Theo that day; see letter 617.
7. No further information about this incident has been found.