1. Johannes van Hombergh; cf. letter 531, n. 4.
2. Van Gogh had officially signed out of the register on 23 November 1885, citing his move to Antwerp, according to the ‘Certificate of change of actual place of residence’) (Getuigschrift van verandering van werkelijke woonplaats), and giving his occupation as ‘painter’ (FR b1507). Cf. De Brouwer 1984, p. 102.
3. See for the ‘domestic passport’ (binnenlands paspoort): letter 384, n. 3. In the same month Van Gogh must also have a submitted a request for a copy of his entry in the register of births to the district of Zundert, since such a copy was sent on 12 September 1887. Van Gogh’s application has not survived (RAW). See Tralbaut 1975, p. 76. These were the two documents that Van Gogh presented on 16 October 1888 at the Arles town hall, so that he could be officially registered as living in place Lamartine (FR b2949).
4. Mrs van Gogh lived at no. 649bis Nieuwe Ginnekenstraat in Breda (district B).