5. Van Gogh may have learned that
Daudet was often with
Turgenev in his last days from the article that he mentions in
letter 565: Alphonse Daudet, ‘
Mémoires d’un homme de lettres. Tourguéneff’,
Le Temps (10 November 1883); published in an English translation as ‘Tourguéneff in Paris. Reminiscences by Daudet’,
Century Magazine 27 (November 1883), pp. 48-53. Theo must have written to Vincent about this article or sent it to him. In it, Daudet stresses Turgenev’s gentle character and his love of nature, and he describes their conversations: ‘When we were done with the books and issues of the day, the conversation widened and we came back to ever-present arguments, ideas and talked of love and death’ (Quand on en avait fini avec les livres et les préoccupations du jour, la conversation s’élargissait, on revenait au thèses, aux idées toujours présentes, on parlait de l’amour et de la mort).