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435 To Anthon van Rappard. Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 8 March 1884.

No. 435 (Brieven 1990 439, Complete Letters R42)
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Anthon van Rappard
Date: Nuenen, on or about Saturday, 8 March 1884

Source status
Original manuscript

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. nos. b8374 a-b V/2006 (sheets 1, 2); Paris, Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, inv. no. 1977-A-1715 (sheet 3); whereabouts of the greater part of sheet 4 unknown.

Letters 435, 437 and 439 to Van Rappard were probably all written in March 1884. There are no points of reference from which to date them exactly. The sequence is also problematic. Letter 435 stands alone in that there are no references to other letters. On the basis of the poems copied out in it and the remark in the first sentence that he was sending some of Breton’s poems ‘too’, however, we assume that it is a follow-up to the previous batch of poems sent on or about 2 March (letter 433). We therefore regard this letter as the first of the three.
The order of the other two letters is determined by what Van Gogh writes about sending his drawings to Van Rappard: in the first he says that he will send them, and in the second he thanks Van Rappard for his reply. Van Gogh must have received this reply by 20 March at the latest, because he told Theo about it on that date (letter 440). Since these three letters to Van Rappard cannot be dated more accurately, we have spaced them evenly through the period 3-19 March. We therefore date the present letter on or about Saturday, 8 March, letter 437 on or about Thursday, 13 March and letter 439 on or about Tuesday, 18 March 1884.

In De brieven 1990 five extra poems by Jules Breton were printed with this letter: ‘Le soir (à Louis Cabat)’ (Evening (for Louis Cabat)), ‘Les deux croix’ (The two crosses), (recto and verso of a half sheet in Paris, Fondation Custodia), as well as ‘Crépuscule (à Charles Daubigny)’ (Twilight (for Charles Daubigny)), ‘Dans la plaine’ (On the plain) and ‘Le retour des champs (à François Millet)’ (Returning from the fields (for François Millet)) (the last ones have only partly survived). These half sheets were once joined together, since the last – missing – verse of ‘Le soir’ was added in the space below ‘Le retour des champs’, as a photocopy of this sheet shows. We too assume that these fragments were originally part of the present letter. In 1957 L.H.M. Brom of Utrecht had this sheet in his possession and sent a photocopy of it to V.W. van Gogh. (Correspondence between L.H.M. Brom and V.W. van Gogh, April-September 1957, Van Gogh Museum, Documentation). Van Rappard was a leading member of the Kunstliefde association in Utrecht, where he became friends with the silversmith Jan Hendrik Brom; this Jan Brom, father of Leo, owned a study by Van Rappard, who also made his portrait. Brom probably acquired the sheet with the five poems through Van Rappard. Cf. exhib. cat. Amsterdam 1974, pp. 20, 85, 91.
The formulation ‘Here, too, are some of the poems by Jules Breton; if you don’t have them I’m sure they’ll really touch you’ (ll. 3-4) does not mean that he had sent poetry by Breton before (‘too’ must refer to the fact that he had previously sent poems by Coppée (letter 430)). As far as we know there are no missing letters from Van Gogh to Van Rappard in these two months. We see no grounds for placing the poems with a later letter.
In 1977 the Fondation Custodia in Paris bought half of this sheet from a French private collection through the bookseller André Jammes. The other half was cut up and only part has survived. In March 2001 a seller on eBay offered one verse (ll. 361-364) for sale.
Two fragments (l. 274-278 and – on the verso – part of l. 341, and l. 378-379) were auctioned on 31 March 1998 in The Collection of George Cosmatos. Sotheby’s London. London 1998, lot 450 (ill.).
Part of the sheet on squared paper (7.3 x 4.1 cm), with ‘à Charles Daubigny’ (l. 273) and ll. 318-321) on one side and ‘Le retour des champs’ (l. 340 and ll. 341-344) on the other was in Galerie St Etienne, 24 West 57th Street in New York in November 2002.


  1. Garden (F - / JH -), letter sketch

original text
Amice Rappard,
Ziehier nog eenigen der gedichten van Jules Breton, als gij ze niet hebt weet ik zeker ze U bijzonder treffen zullen. Vandaag, of liever sedert een paar dagen heb ik een studie geschilderd van het weefgetouw waar ge de teekening van hebt.–1 Ben ook zoekende naar de kleur van den wintertuin. Doch die is reeds een lente tuin – nu.– En is iets heel anders geworden.2

[sketch A]

b. à t.


Les chaumes de velours, sous une poudre d’or
Bordés d’un trait de feu, nagent dans l’ombre grise
Par délà les toits noirs que sa lumière frise
S’incline radieux l’astre de messidor.–

Immense gerbe, il tombe épanchant son trésor
Et le zenith bleu verse une lumière exquise
Sur la route où – parmi les senteurs de la brise
Chante et bondit la ronde au tournoyant essor.

Dans la poussière ardente et les rayons de flammes,
Joyeusement, les mains aux mains, dansent les femmes.
Mais la plus bèlle rêve, assise un peu plus loin;

Elle est là – Seule – et mord sa lèvre maladive,
Et telle qu’on verrait dans un champ de sainfoin
Se crisper et languir la pâle sensitive.

Le chant du soir4

Quand le nuage
Laissant flotter des lambeaux d’or
Qu’ouvrant sa gerbe
Le soleil verse son tresor;

Pauvres glaneuses
Une riche gloire de feu
Vibre et caresse
la tresse
Ondoyante de vos cheveux.

Le rayon rose
Vos vieux haillons trainant leurs fils
Glisse – flamboie
et noie
dans la flamme vos beaux profils.

Puis le mystère
Tombe et se répand lentement;
Au crépuscule
La saine odeur du froment.

Le massif d’ormes
Brunit ses rameaux emmêlés
Et d’un trait ferme
La ferme
S’accuse au sein vague des blés.

Le feu fait trêve
Le rêve
Se mêle aux effluves du soir;
Le tout s’embrume
Et fume
Ainsi qu’un immense encensoir.

Le troupeau grêle
Qui bêle
S’achemine vers le repos;
Tandis que chante
La douce flûte des crapauds.

Puis monotone
Tout au loin la cloche à la tour
Et sa volée
S’élève et décroît alentour.

La note tinte
Plus pure qu’aux bois lorsqu’encor,
Dans l’ecarlate
Au soir le son vibrant du cor.

Aux hautes cimes
Combien je préfère ce lieu,
Cette humble plaine
Si pleine
De l’immense bonté de Dieu!

Nu krijgt ge nog een klein standje – en wel dit – toen ik bij U was dezen winter,5 waart gij tegen “enthousiasme” – ik bedoel, zeidet iets dat Jaap Maris zeide dat enthousiasme ‘’k weet niet wat was – ’t geen hij, n.l. Jaap, goddank zelf niet precies in toepassing heeft gebragt in zijn leven – al moge hij zoo iets gezegd hebben slaande op een of ander speciaal geval – hebbende hij in alle omstandigheden doorgeschilderd. Dan moesten de vogels ook maar niet zingen en schilders niet schilderen als zij behoorden na te denken of ze niet te vurig waren.–
Lees nu Les Cigales – en – ’k zal er maar niets meer bij zeggen.–

L’aube – (à Corot)6

Je suivais un sentier, à l’aube, dans les blés,
Etroit, où l’on se mouille aux gouttes qui s’épanchent
En frôlant les épis alourdis qui se penchent;
Et j’errais évoquant mes rêves envolés.

Ah! qui n’a pas perdu des rameaux étoilés
Comme les saules gris, que les hommes ébranchent
Qui font un bruit si doux quand leurs larmes étanchent
La soif des liserons à leurs pieds enroulés!

Et je sentais mon coeur, d’où je chassais la prose
S’attendrir au rayon discret, pâle & changeant
Comme un arbre souffrant et que la pluie arrose.

Et voilà que, joyeuse – éclate au ciel d’argent
L’alouette qui voit, des brumes émergeant
A l’orient monter le premier flocon rose.

Automne (à Jules Dupré)7

La rivière s’écoule avec lenteur. Ses eaux
Murmurent, près du bord, aux souches des vieux aulnes
Qui se teignent de sang; de hauts peupliers jaunes
Sèment leurs feuilles d’or parmi les blonds roseaux.

Le vent leger, qui croise en mobiles réseaux
Ses rides d’argent clair, laisse de sombres zones
Où les arbres plongeant leurs dômes et leurs cônes
Tremblent, comme agités par des miliers d’oiseaux.

Par instants se répète un cri grêle de grive,
Et, lancé brusquement des herbes de la rive,
Etincelle un joyau dans l’air subtil et bleu;

Un chant aigu prolonge une note stridente;
C’est le martin-pêcheur qui fuit d’une aile ardente
Dans un furtif rayon d’éméraude et de feu.

Soleil couchant (à Emile Breton)8

Des vapeurs aux remous infinis – mer de brume
Où les coteaux voilés ondulent – larges flots
Les villages, perdus comme de noirs îlots,
Emergent, enfonçant leurs pieds bruns dans l’écume.

Tandis que tout se tait, s’agrandit, nage et fume,
Qu’au fond des ravins, seuls, tintent de lents grelots,
Que de rares lueurs, ainsi que des falots
Palpitent, le ciel vibre et tout entier s’allume.

Notre globe muet, sous le dôme vermeil
Prie et rêve ébloui par la magnificence
De l’astre fécondant que le nuage encense;

Et dans ce grand respect, pris d’un divin sommeil
Orbe rouge au milieu de l’aureole immense
Gravement, lentement se couche le soleil.


Je regardais souvent, le coude à la fenêtre
Les filles revenir de la source à midi.
Yvonne apparaisait, et son geste hardi,
Son haut galbe de loin la faisait reconnaître.

C’était pour le regard une fête, parbleu!
Que de la suivre alors, si droite sous sa cruche,
Quand, relevant sa coiffe en huppe de perruche,
Le vent faisait flotter son souple jupon bleu.

Avec quelle beauté, laissant son humble châle
Tomber en nobles plis que la brise inclinait
Elle étendait le bras, en l’air, et retenait
Son amphore de grès rouge sur son front pâle!

Que ses traits étaient purs! Je ne sais quoi d’amer
Et de charmant errait sur sa lèvre sauvage;
Et comme elle était bien la fille du rivage,
Forte et comme trempée aux souffles de la mer!

Par la rue aux rumeurs banales et narquoises,
Où quelques maigres chiens, craintifs, se font la cour,
Parmi de vils ramas poussés de mainte cour
Au ruisseaux où le ciel reflète ses turquoises,

De la ville rasant les murs gris ou crayeux,
Je crois la voir encore, une main sur la hanche
Sans que de l’urne pleine une goutte s’épanche
Grande et grave passer sans détourner les yeux.

Les cigales10

Lorsque dans l’herbe mûre aucun épi ne bouge
Qu’à l’ardeur des rayons crépite le froment,
Que le coquelicot tombe languissamment
Sous le faible fardeau de sa corolle rouge;

Tous les oiseaux de l’air ont fait taire leurs chants;
Les ramiers paresseux, au plus noir des ramures,
Somnolents, dans les bois, ont cessé leurs murmures
Loin du soleil muet incendiant les champs.

Dans les blés, cependant – d’intrepides cigales
Jettent leurs mille bruits, fanfare de l’été
Ont frénétiquement et sans trêve agité
Leurs ailes sur l’airain de leurs folles cymbales.

Frémissantes, debout sur les longs épis d’or
Virtuoses qui vont s’éteindre avant l’automne,
Elles poussaient au ciel leur hymne monotone
Qui dans l’ombre des nuits retentissait encor.–

Et rien n’arrêtera leurs cris intarissables
Quand on les chassera des avoines et des blés.
Elles emigreront sur les buissons brûlés
Qui se meurent de soif dans les déserts de sables.

Sur l’arbuste effeuillé, sur les chardons flétris
Qui laissent s’envoler leur blanche chevelure
On reverra l’insecte à la forte encolure
Plein d’ivresse – toujours s’exalter dans ses cris;

Jusqu’à ce qu’ouvrant l’aile en lambeaux arrachée
Exaspéré, brûlant d’un feu toujours plus pur
Son oeil de bronze fixe et tendu vers l’azur
Il expire en chantant sur la tige séchée.

Le soir – (à Louis Cabat)11

C’est un humble fossé perdu sous le feuillage;
Les aunes du bosquet le couvrent à demi;
L’insecte, en l’effleurant, trace un leger sillage
Et s’en vient seul rayer le miroir endormi.

Le soir tombe, et c’est l’heure où se fait le miracle,
Transfiguration qui change tout en or;
Aux yeux charmés tout offre un ravissant spectacle;
Le modeste fossé brille plus qu’un trésor.

Le ciel éblouissant, tamisé par les branches
A plongé dans l’eau noire un lumineux rayon;
Tombant de tous côtés, des étincelles blanches
Entourent un foyer d’or pâle en fusion.

Aux bords tout est mystère et douceur infinie.
On y voit s’assoupir quelques fleurs aux tons froids
Et les reflets confus de verdure brunie
Et d’arbres violets qui descendent tout droits.

Dans la lumière, au loin, des touffes d’émeraude
Vous laissent deviner la ligne des champs blonds
Et le ciel enflammé d’une teinte si chaude
Et le soleil tombé qui tremble dans les joncs.

Et dans mon âme emue – alors quand je compare
L’humilité du site à sa sublimité
un délire sacré de mon esprit s’empare
Et j’entrevois la main de la divinité.

Ce n’est rien – et c’est tout. En créant la nature
Dieu répandit partout la splendeur de l’effet;
Aux petits des oiseaux s’il donne la pâture
Il prodigue le beau – ce suprême bienfait.–

Ce n’est rien – et c’est tout. En le voyant j’oublie,
Pauvre petit fossé qui me troubles si fort,
Mes angoisses de coeur – mes rêves d’Italie
Et je me sens meilleur – et je benis le sort.

Les deux croix12

On voit, sur une route au pays de Pontcroix,
En plein ciel, toute neuve, une pompeuse croix
Où resplendit un Christ badigeonné de rose.
Deux ou trois pas plus loin, se tord, navrante chose,
Piteux et relégué sous les buissons d’un mur,
Laissant saillir de l’ombre un horrible fémur,
Penchant affreusement sa tête mutilée
Au milieu de l’ortie à la ronce mêlée
Oublié, l’ancien Christ informe et sans couleur.
Et l’éternel Souffrant, qui calme la douleur,
Rappelle, en cet état, les âpres agonies
De tant de nobles coeurs jetés aux gémonies;
Et le lépreux qui fuit le jour injurieux,
Le mendiant lui-même en detourne les yeux;
Et le poète l’aime.... et la foule qui passe
N’a de regards que pour celui qui dans l’espace
Etend ses bras en croix dans une gloire d’or.
Au crucifié même il faut un beau decor;
A celui-ci l’encens, les voeux et la prière;
L’autre – dans les cailloux, n’est qu’une vaine pierre.
Et cependant quel coeur ne serait pas touché!
Un trou s’ouvrait au mur, et le Christ l’a bouché!
Et l’égout du chemin, de sa fétide haleine
Baigne ses pieds aimés qu’arrosa Madeleine.
Toi dont le crime fut de répandre l’amour,
Lorsque – pour t’en punir, Ponce et Caïphe, un jour,
Sur ta tête eurent mis la couronne d’épines,
o Christ! qu’un paysan de ses mains enfantines,
D’un barbare ciseau par l’amour ennobli,
Tailla dans ce bloc dur; croyais-tu que l’oubli
Oserait te jeter dans un trou de muraille,
Et qu’outrage dernier, l’insultante broussaille
Mêlerait sur ton front, qui saigne et qui bénit,
L’épine de la ronce à celle du granit?

Crépuscule (à Charles Daubigny)13

L’anémone et la renoncule
Ont fermé leurs fleurs de satin
Voici le soir; le crépuscule
Idéalise le jardin.–

Tout sommeille – même la brise
Dans l’enivrement des parfums
Et la couleur devient exquise
Dans la puissance des tons bruns.

Quand la nature se repose
Lasse de jour et de splendeur
Elle ouvre son âme et la rose
Dormant dans l’ombre a plus d’odeur.

Ainsi notre âme se reveille,
Lorsque nos sens sont assouvis
Que des vains bruits frappant l’oreille
Nous ne sommes plus poursuivis.

Le Dieu devient discret et voile
Les inutiles ornements;
Tout s’agrandit voici l’étoile
Le ciel s’emplit de diamants.

La lumière pâle et diffuse
Baigne d’un charme tous les corps
Et la silhouette s’accuse
Par un fil doré sur les bords.

Le mystère à chassé la prose;
Tout nage dans l’air savoureux
Et les lueurs d’apothéose
Emanent des fronts amoureux.

Et quelle fraicheur ineffable
D’amethyste et de gris perlé,
Le zénith verse sur le sable,
A côté du gazon brûlé.–

Un rayon court dans l’ombre grise
Plonge et meurt dans les profondeurs,
Faisant encore, lorsqu’il se brise
Rejaillir de vives ardeurs.

Et les fleurs chuchotent discrètes
Dans l’insaisissable flottant,
Dressant quelques rouges aigrettes,
Dernier effort du feu luttant.

Sur les buissons les éméraudes
Ont une sourde intensité
Les fonds sont bruns; des vapeurs chaudes
Se traînent dans l’immensité.

Par dela les touffes d’érables
Au ciel d’opale et d’or bruni
Plein d’une tendresse adorable
Palpite et tremble l’infini.

oh ferme ta fleur renoncule
Amante du grand jour qui luit
Pour ne pas voir au crepuscule
Le jour s’accoupler à la nuit.

Dans la plaine14

A moi les champs, à moi les blés
A moi les coteaux qui s’embrument
Les faucheuses aux fronts hâlés
Le soir près des feux qu’ils allument!

A moi l’incendescant sillon
Où midi brule le grillon,
A moi, tandis que l’oiseau chante
Dans des flots verts, le vermillon
Du pavot à la fleur penchante.

A moi – loin de vos coeurs oisifs
Pédants – à moi la plaine immense
Quand, la mordant, des feux lascifs
La font ondoyer en demence.

Le retour des champs (à François Millet)15

C’est l’heure indécise où l’étoile
Pâle encor dans la pâle nuit,
Apparaît, scintille, se voile
Et fatigue l’oeil qui la suit.–

Entre les blés et la luzerne
Bordé par les chardons poudreux
Le chemin fauve se discerne
Encor dans les champs plantureux.

Le zénith couleur d’améthyste
Le caresse de son reflet
Inexprimable, que l’artiste
Ne peut qu’appeler violet.

Par la glèbe plane ou penchante
Perdant, retrouvant ses sillons,
Il serpente dans l’herbe où chante
La note grêle des grillons.

Par les talus que le soir dore
Il va sous la clarté des cieux
Ou tinte la cloche sonore
Au village silencieux.

Sous le crepuscule et le hâle
Le paysan deux fois bruni,
Baignant son front dans le ciel pâle
S’en revient – le travail fini.

Il porte la faux ou la bêche
A l’épaule; il va lentement,
Humectant sa poitrine sèche
De brume et d’odeur de froment.–

Il va lentement, à son aise
D’un pas tranquille en sa lourdeur;
Et l’occident, sourde fournaise
Le bronze d’une sombre ardeur.

Sous le toit noir de sa chaumière
Où fume un vague ruban bleu,
Brille un point de rouge lumière
La soupe chante sur le feu.

Sa compagne est robuste et sûre
Et les enfants sont bien portants
L’age vient: que peut sa morsure
Près de l’enfance – gai printemps?

Tel il marche par habitude
Tel il ira jusqu’au tombeau:
Content si par son labeur rude,
Les blés sont lourds et l’orge beau.

My dear friend Rappard,
Here, too, are some of the poems by Jules Breton, if you don’t have them I’m sure they’ll really touch you. Today, or rather in the last few days, I’ve painted a study of the loom of which you have the drawing.1 Am also searching for the colour of the winter garden. But it’s already a spring garden — by now. And it’s changed a lot.2

[sketch A]


Yours truly,


Velvety, dusted with gold, the stubble fields
Rimmed by fire, float within the gloom;
Beyond the black roofs skimmed by its light
Sinks, radiant, high summer’s dazzling star.

In a great burst it falls, pouring its treasure forth:
And the blue zenith casts a wondrous light
Upon the road, where, in the fragrant breeze,
With leaping, whirling step they sing a roundelay.

Lit by the flames and in the burning dust,
The women dance, hand in joyful hand,
But seated apart, the fairest of them dreams;

She sits alone... and bites her morbid lip,
As one might see, pale, among a field of vetch,
The sensitive mimosa shrink and pine.

Evening song4

When the cloud
Trails tattered wisps of gold
And spreading all at once
Its splendid rays
The sun pours down its benison;

Poor gleaners
A fiery nimbus
Plays about your hair
Your softly curling braids.

The rose-pink ray
Your fraying, ragged dress,
Glides — blazes,
Your noble beauty in its flame.

Then austere
The mystery
Descends, slowly expands;
At dusk
The air gives off
The wholesome scent of wheat.

The clump of elms
Redden their mingled boughs
And with its hard outline
The farm
Stands out against the softness of the corn.

The fire burns lower now
The dream
Suffuses evening’s balm;
And all grows hazy
Full of smoke
Like a great thurible.

The meagre flock
Its homeward way to rest
And the toads
Their gentle, touching song.

Then far away
The church bell tolls
Its single steady note
And its winged
Rises and falls on every side.

The note strikes
Is stilled
Purer than when in evening woods
We hear the huntsman
Blow on his rousing horn.

How much more Love I this place
Than the high peaks,
This plain so humble
Yet so full
Of God’s abounding love!

Now you get a little rebuke — which is — when I was with you this winter,5 you were against ‘enthusiasm’ — I mean, said something that Jaap Maris said, I don’t know what, about enthusiasm — which he, that is Jaap, didn’t exactly apply in his life, thank God — even though he may have said something of the sort relating to some special case or other — he having carried on painting in all circumstances. Then the birds simply shouldn’t sing and the painters not paint if they were supposed to think about whether they weren’t too passionate.
Now read Les Cigales — and — I’ll simply say nothing more.

Dawn (To Corot)6

I took a narrow path, at dawn, among the wheat,
Where droplets falling from its heavy-hanging ears
Drench him who brushes past;
And as I wandered, called back long-lost dreams.

Ah! Who has not bemoaned a splintered bough,
Like the grey willows when men cut them down,
That make so soft a sound, quenching with their tears
The thirst of bindweed twined about their feet!

And then I felt my heart, from which I banished words,
Turn tender in the subtle, pale and changing light,
Just like a sickly tree that’s watered by the rain.

And now behold, bursting upon the silver sky
The joyful lark, that sees, emerging
From the misty east, the first pink fleck.

Autumn (To Jules Dupré)7

The river slowly flows. Beside the bank,
Its waters murmur round old alder stumps,
Tinted blood-red; tall yellow poplars
Cast their golden leaves among the paler reeds.

The light wind weaves its moving net —
Bright silver wrinkles, leaving those dark spots
In which the trees droop cones and canopies,
Trembling as if shaken by a host of birds.

From time to time, a thrush’s thin repeated cry,
And plunging from an overhanging bough,
A jewel sparkles in the clear blue air;

A sharp call draws out its strident note;
The kingfisher, speeding on burning wing,
A furtive streak of emerald and fire.

Setting sun (To Emile Breton)8

Vaporous, ceaselessly shifting sea of mist,
Where shrouded slopes, broad billows, undulate,
Villages, like lost black isles,
Emerge, their brown feet sunk in the foam.

As all falls quiet, expands, floats, smokes,
As only the slow cowbells sound, deep in the ravines,
As scattered points of light, lantern-like,
Flicker, the sky shimmers and lights up all as one.

Our silent globe, under the crimson dome,
Prays and dreams, dazzled by the glory
Of the fruitful star, censed by the clouds.

Encompassed by this awe, o’ercome by god-like sleep,
A red orb set in a great aureole,
Gravely, slowly, sets the sun.


Oft would I watch, my elbows on the sill,
The girls returning from the spring at noon.
Yvonne would come in view, distinguished from afar
By her proud bearing and tall shapeliness.

And what a pleasing sight it was, by Jove!
To see her, pitcher on her head,
Her coif flying like a lovebird’s crest,
And soft blue petticoat flutt’ring in the wind.

And with what grace, letting her humble shawl
Fall in brave folds that floated in the breeze,
Would she stretch out her arm to hold, russet
Against her pale-skinned brow, her earthen amphora!

How pure her features! Something sour
Yet charming played about her untamed lip;
She was indeed the daughter of the shore,
Strong, as if drenched by the exhalations of the sea.

In the streets, loud with coarse taunts and cries,
Where cringing, scrawny dogs pay court to one another,
Among the litter swept from many a yard,
In gutters, with their turquoise sky-reflecting pools,

About this town, hugging its grey and chalky walls,
I think I see her still — tall, one hand on her hip,
Letting no single drop fall from her brimming urn —
Pass gravely by, without a backward glance.


When in the ripened field the ears of corn are still,
When under the sun’s blaze the wheat makes crackling sounds,
And the poppy droops languidly
Under the slight burden of its scarlet crown,

And all the birds have ceased to sing;
The lazy ringdoves, sleepy on the blackest branch,
Deep in the woods’ heart, murmur no more,
Far from the silent sun that sets the fields on fire.

And meanwhile in the corn, the brave cicadas
A chorus thousands strong, summer’s marching brass,
Madly and with never a pause have chafed
Their wings against their wild cymbals’ bronze.

Vibrating, upright on the long wheat-ears,
Virtuosi, doomed ere summer’s season ends,
Heavenward raise their thrumming hymn
That echoes down the darkness of the nights.

But nothing now will still their tireless cries;
Banished from the oats or from the wheat
They’ll find a new home in the burnt-out bush
That dies of thirst in parched and sandy wastes.

On leafless shrubs and withered thistle-flowers
That let their white and silky tresses fly away,
You’ll see the insect, with its powerful head,
Still drunkenly exulting as it sings.

Until that moment when, spreading out its ragged wing,
Frustrated, burning with an ever purer flame,
Its bronze eye fixed upon the distant blue,
It expires, singing, on the dried-out stem.

Evening (To Louis Cabat)11

A simple ditch, lost beneath the leaves
And in an alder thicket almost hid away;
A passing insect scribes a little wake,
Traced lightly on the sleeping mirror’s face.

Eventide, the hour when miracles are wrought,
Transfiguration turns everything to gold,
Offering a wondrous vision to enraptured eyes,
The humble ditch gleams brighter than a hoard.

The dazzling sky, filtered through the boughs,
Has plunged a ray deep into the waters black;
Falling on every side, white sparks
Surround a crucible of pale and liquid gold.

Mysterious, peaceful beyond words, on its banks we see
The pallid flowers with their sleepy heads,
Reflected foliage, a dark and mingled mass,
And purple trees that seem to grow straight down.

Far off, lit from on high, patches of emerald
Suggest the shapes of brightly coloured fields,
And the sky, blazing with a hue so fiery,
And the low sun, flickering through the reeds.

And in my swelling breast – when I compare
The spot’s simplicity and its sublime aspect –
A holy rapture steals upon my soul,
And I glimpse something of the Maker’s work.

’Tis naught – and yet ’tis all. Creating nature,
God spreads abroad all its superb effects;
He feeds the fledgling and pours beauty forth
– blessing supreme – with an unstinting hand.

’Tis naught – and yet ’tis all. Seeing it, I forget –
Poor little ditch that thus affects me so –
My heart’s distress, my dreams of Italy,
And I feel better – and I bless my fate.

The two crosses12

Beside a road somewhere in Pontcroix we see,
Open to the sky, brand new, a pretentious cross
On which there gleams a Christ, daubed all in pink.
A few steps farther on – distorted, painful to behold,
Pitiful, discarded near a wall that’s overgrown with weeds,
A grotesque thigh-bone showing through the shade,
Its mutilated head hideously inclined,
Forgot among the nettles and the tangled briars –
The old Christ, faded, twisted out of shape.
The eternal Sufferer, he who soothes our pain,
His present state recalls the bitter agonies
Of all those noble hearts cast into obloquy;
And the leper, fleeing daylight’s curse,
The very beggar turns away his glance;
The poet loves him.... but the crowd that passes by
Has eyes for none but him who
Spreads wide aloft his arms, haloed in gold.
Though crucified, his setting must be fine;
To him be incense, holy vows, and prayers.
The other, on the pebbly ground, naught but a piece of stone.
And yet what heart would not be moved!
The wall was broken, and Christ filled up the rift!
The drain beside the road exhales its foetid breath
On his beloved feet, those the Magdalen bathed.

Thou whose crime was but in spreading love,
When, to punish thee, Pilate and Caiaphas one day
Placed on thy head the crown of thorns,
O Christ, whom with his child-like hands –
His rude and clumsy chisel by his love refined –
A peasant carved from this hard block,
Did’st thou believe oblivion Would dare to throw thee into a wall’s dark cleft,
Or, final insult, that the disrespectful scrub
Would mix upon thy brow that blesses and that bleeds
The bramble’s prickle with the granite spine?

Twilight (To Charles Daubigny)13

The anemone and the buttercup
Have closed their satin flowers;
Lo, evening comes; twilight
Reveals the garden in its ideal form.

All is drowsy – the very breeze
Is drunk with scents,
And colours are rendered exquisite
In evening’s rich and dusky tones.

When nature rests,
Weary of daylight’s brilliance,
It opens up its soul, and then the rose,
Sleeping in the shade, becomes more fragrant still.

And our soul, too, awakens,
Our senses are appeased;
When empty noises reach the ear
They harass us no more.

God grows discreet, and casts a veil
Over superfluous ornament;
Things grow larger – there’s the evening star –
Diamonds fill the sky.

The pale and diffuse light
Makes magical each solid form,
Outlines appear, Traced with a thread of gold.

Mystery drives away the commonplace,
All hangs suspended on the odorous air,
And the gleam of an apotheosis
Glows from lovers’ brows.

What coolness indescribable,
Pearly-grey and amethyst,
Falls from on high upon the sand,
Beside the scorched and withered grass.

A ray runs across the murky shade,
Plunges, and expires within the depths,
Fragmenting, sending up once more
Its living heat.

The flowers whisper quietly to themselves,
Floating in air intangible;
Show here and there a feathery tip of red,
The final struggle of the waning fire.

On bushes, emerald greens
Have a subdued intensity.
The farther depths are dim; warm vapours
Float through a vast emptiness.

Beyond, the tops of maple trees,
In sky suffused with opal and with gold;
Full of a gorgeous tenderness,
The infinite trembles, palpitates.

O, close your flower, buttercup,
Lover of noontime’s brilliant light,
So that you cannot see, at eventide,
The day becoming one with night.

On the plain14

For me the fields, for me the rows of corn,
For me the hillsides shrouded all in mist,
The reaper-women’s weather-beaten heads
At evening, gathered round their lighted fires!

For me the white-hot furrow,
Where noonday scorches the cricket’s wing
For me – when birds are singing
In a sea of green – the poppies
With their drooping heads, vermilion.

For me – far from your idle, self-important hearts,
– for me the vast and boundless plain
When fire’s lascivious tongue licks round its rim,
Making it writhe in a demented dance.

Return from the fields (To François Millet)15

’Tis that uncertain hour in which the evening star,
Still pale against the pale night sky,
Appears, twinkles, slips behind a veil,
Tiring the watcher’s searching gaze.

’Twixt wheat and vetch,
With dusty thistles lined,
The tawny path still can be descried
Among the fertile fields.

From high above, ineffable,
Amethyst-coloured light caresses it
And the artist, for want of other word,
Can only call it purple.

Across the flat or gently sloping mead,
Losing their furrows, finding them again,
It winds among the grass, where sounds
The cricket’s shrill and reedy song.

By banks gilded by eventide it goes
Under the clear air
Through which is heard the church bell’s sonorous note,
Tolling in silent village streets.

The peasant twice browned
By the twilight and suntan,
Forehead bathed in the pale light,
Makes his way home, his labour done.

Bearing on his shoulder scythe or spade,
Slowly he goes,
Moistening his dry chest
With mist, and with the scent of wheat.

Slowly he goes, at his unhurried pace,
With calm and heavy tread;
The west, like a furnace smouldering,
Turns him a deep and fiery bronze.

Beneath his cottage’s black roof,
Where rises a faint blue strand of smoke,
There glows a spot of red;
The soup is singing on the fire.

His partner’s strong and firm,
The children thrive,
Old age approaches – what is its sting,
Set beside childhood’s gay springtime?

Thus he plods from habit long ingrained,
Thus will he plod until his dying day;
Content if through his humble toil
The wheat is heavy and the barley fair.
1. It is not certain which drawing and painting these were. If it was the small drawing Weaver (F 1124 / JH 456) (see letter 437, n. 1), it might be that Van Gogh is referring here to Weaver and a spinning wheel (F 29 / JH 471 ).
2. Van Rappard had previously been sent the sketch Parsonage garden (F 1133 / JH 485) after Parsonage garden (F 185 / JH 484), which Van Gogh might now have started to work on again.
It is more likely, though, that what he means here is that he has meanwhile made a new version of the garden, after which the letter sketch Garden (F - / JH -) was done. However, there is no known painting that corresponds with this.
3. The poem ‘Seule’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 49-50. Variant:
l. 18 lumière ] lueur
4. The poem ‘Le chant du soir’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 117-120. The most significant difference is:
l. 52 odeur ] senteur
5. Van Gogh had visited Van Rappard on 20 December 1883 (see letter 416).
6. The poem ‘L’Aube (à Corot)’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 39-40.
7. The poem ‘Automne (à Jules Dupré)’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 29-30.
8. The poem ‘Soleil couchant (à Emile Breton)’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 31-32.
9. The poem ‘Yvonne’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 33-34. With the dedication: ‘A André Lemoyne’ (To André Lemoyne). Van Gogh copied out the fourth verse of this poem on a separate sheet. See Pabst 1988, p. 87.
10. The poem ‘Les cigales’ in: Breton 1875, p. 16. With the dedication: ‘A Leconte de Lisle’ (To Leconte de Lisle). There are a few minor differences. Van Gogh spread this poem out over several pages of the letter.
11. The poem ‘Le soir – (à Louis Cabat)’ in: Breton 1875, pp. 45-47.
12. The poem ‘Les deux croix’ in: Breton 1875, pp. 131-133.
13. The poem ‘Crépuscule (à Charles Daubigny)’ in: Breton 1875, pp. 91-94.
14. The poem ‘Dans la plaine’ in: Breton 1875, pp. 89-90. The principal differences are:
ll. 337-338 ‘Prise de spasmes convulsifs’ (‘Seized by convulsive spasms’) was omitted.
l. 339 ‘Quand’ should be ‘Quant’ but there is a typographical error in the source text.
15. The poem ‘Le retour des champs (à François Millet)’, in: Breton 1875, pp. 51-53.