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429 To Theo van Gogh. Nuenen, Wednesday, 13 February 1884.

No. 429 (Brieven 1990 431, Complete Letters 356)
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Nuenen, Wednesday, 13 February 1884

Source status
Original manuscript

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. b389 V/1962

Date of postmark: Wednesday, 13 February 1884.

Postcard (5 cent). A 2½-cent stamp has been stuck next to the pre-printed 2½-cent stamp. Over the former the postmark: ‘NUENEN’. Postmarks: ‘NUENEN 8-12 V / 13 FEB 84’, and ‘PARIS 3 DISTRIB 3 / 1[x] FEB 84’. The address reads: ‘Monsieur Th van Gogh/ 25 Rue de Laval./ Paris’.

Ongoing topic
Mrs van Gogh’s broken leg (423)

original text
Waarde Theo,
Vandaag verzond ik aan Uw adres een postpakket met 3 paneeltjes en 9 aquarellen.1 Gaarne verneem ik of gij het ontvangen hebt. Is er iets bij dat U bevalt, tant mieux. Het gaat met Moe zoo al ’t zelfde. Ben nog aan verscheiden wevers bezig die gij later krijgt.
Lies is weer vertrokken,2 het is een heele sjouwerij voor Wil.

t. à t.

My dear Theo,
Today I sent a parcel to your address containing 3 small panels and 9 watercolours.1 Please let me know whether you’ve received it. If there’s anything in it you like, so much the better. Ma is going on much the same. Am still working on various weavers, which you’ll get later.
Lies has left again,2 it’s a lot of hard work for Wil.

Ever yours,
1. It is no longer possible to establish precisely which panels and watercolours these were. The small panels were most probably works that had been made in Drenthe, because in March Van Gogh says that he doesn’t feel inclined to send Theo the studies he had done in Nuenen. Cf. cat. Amsterdam 1999, pp. 46 (n. 7), 239.
2. Elisabeth looked after C.M.L. du Quesne van Bruchem-Van Willis; see letter 426, n. 1. Mr van Gogh had already told Theo in a letter dated Sunday, 10 February 1884: ‘Elisabeth leaves us tomorrow. We will all miss her greatly and it will be particularly hard on Willemien, who relied on her so much. Fortunately they have both recovered so much’ (FR b2252).