1. Van Gogh’s cousin Johanna Elisabeth Tak-Van Gogh, Uncle Jan van Gogh’s daughter, died on 17 October 1883 in Middelburg at the age of 39. She was married to the merchant banker Jan Tak. The cause of her death is not known; the announcement of her death in the Middelburgsche Courant of 17 October 1881, placed by her husband, states that she died ‘after several days’ suffering’.
2. From 1883 to 1888 there was an economic recession that resulted in unemployment and poverty.
3. Het Heike (St. Willibrorddorp) lies around 3 km to the south-west of Etten. The alleged general treachery of the people there must have been raised in the letter from Pa and Ma, possibly to warn Vincent against the people in his own surroundings.
4. The lodging-house keeper Hendrik Scholte.
5. It had been stormy from 16 to 21 October, whereas the preceding and subsequent days were fine (KNMI).
6. Evidently Vincent’s parents had sent him a parcel of useful items.