1. This anecdote was most probably taken from
Corot, souvenirs intimes, which contains an account of how
Corot would tell his would-be pupils that they would sometimes have to be content with very little to eat: ‘See if you can dine on a big scrap of bread bought from the baker at sundown, as has happened to me more than once. The next morning, I would look at myself in the mirror, feeling my cheeks, – they were the same as the previous day; – the regime is therefore not so risky, and I recommend it to you, if need be.’ (Voyez si vous pouvez dîner avec un gros chiffon de pain acheté le soir chez le boulanger à soleil couché, comme cela m’est arrivé plus d’une fois. Le lendemain matin, je me regardais dans le miroir en tâtant mes joues, – elles étaient comme la veille; – le régime n’est donc pas si dangereux, et je vous le recommande, au besoin.) See Dumesnil 1875, p. 53.