1. The house in Slijkeinde, corner of Breedstraat 31a. There are two drawings of the court: Sien’s mother’s house (F 941 / JH 146 [2373]) and Sien’s mother’s house (F 942 / JH 147 [2374]); the large one mentioned is the second, which measures 46 x 59.5 cm – the first is 29 x 45 cm. Cf. exhib. cat. The Hague 1990, pp. 50-51.
[2373] [2374]
2. Carpenter’s yard and laundry (F 939 / JH 150 [2375]).
3. This drawing of the vegetable gardens in Laan van Meerdervoort sent in April is not known. See letter 218.
4. The letter meant was letter 229.
5. The landlord was A.J. van der Drift; see letter 222.
6. The drawing in question would have been Sorrow (F 929 / JH 129 [2364]), which Van Rappard had had in his possession. See also De la Faille 1970, p. 346.
a. Read: ‘niets, geen cent’ (nothing, not a cent).
7. For the sending of these drawings and sketches, see letter 226.