1. Borrowed, consciously or otherwise, from ‘Der Spinnerin Nachtlied’ (The spinner’s lullaby) by Clemens Brentano, which contains the line ‘Da wir zusammen waren’ (For we were together), as well as the variations ‘Als wir zusammen waren’ (When we were together) and ‘Wie wir zusammen waren’ (How we were together). See Clemens Brentano, Werke. Ed. Wolfgang Frühwald et al. 2nd ed. Munich 1978, vol. 1, pp. 131 (quotation), 1058-1059. The poem, first published in 1818, was included in all kinds of collections and anthologies and even set to music.
2. 2 Cor. 6:10.
3. Phil. 3:12.
4. Willem van Stockum, Caroline’s husband.