5. Goupil & Co. had numerous reproductions after
Constant-Joseph Brochart in their list. In the autumn catalogue
Publications nouvelles de la maison Goupil et compagnie of October 1873, four titles were announced as engravings in the category ‘Mezzo-tinte, aqua-tinta, manière noire’:
Un nid sous les feuilles (A nest beneath the leaves),
La leçon d’équitation (The riding lesson),
La marée montante' (Rising tide) and
Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours (Our Lady of Succour), the last of which was further described as ‘Suite aux six planches
Retour et suite, cataloguées aux 40e, 41e, 43e suppléments’ (Series of six plates,
Return etc., catalogued in the 40th, 41st, 43rd supplements).