1of all and
3Have you been working in the country
4lately and is the house you are
5building getting on.
6It appears that Claude Monet has
7done fine things/ my brothers writes to
8say that he has at present an exhibition
9of 10 new pictures. One representing
10pinetrees by the seaside with a
11red sunset casting a red glow over
12'stems/ branches/ foliage and the ground
13itself – a marvel I hear.1
14Bernard is doing good things I believe
15and taking a lot of trouble.
16Gauguin is still at Pont Aven
17'[a]nd suffering of his liver complaint
18'[bu]t working nevertheless

12 itself – < itself
17 [a]nd < Text lost due to the edge of the paper.
18 [bu]t < Text lost due to the edge of the paper.