4 letters found

  1. 028 To Theo van Gogh. London, Monday, 10 August 1874.
  2. 136 To Theo van Gogh. Amsterdam, Monday, 3 and Tuesday, 4 December 1877.
  3. 193 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, on or about Friday, 23 December 1881.
  4. 325 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Monday, 5 March 1883.

1 essay item found

  1. Van Gogh as a letter-writer / The letters: from conventional to personal

1 other item found

  1. Chronology
Dated between:
29 September 1872 and 31 July 1890
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German writer
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