1. This letter to Gauguin is not known.
2. Theo had three versions of Marie Ginoux (‘The Arlésienne’). Gauguin, however, speaks of one canvas in particular, so he must be referring to the version that came into his possession: F 542 / JH 1894 [2893]. After all, Vincent had asked Theo at the end of April to give Gauguin a version (see letter 863). For Gauguin’s drawing, Madame Ginoux (study for ‘Night café, Arles’) [97], on which Van Gogh based the portrait, see letter 856, n. 4.
[2893] [97]
3. Gauguin also tried to interest Bernard in his plan (which he never carried out) to settle in Madagascar. See Gauguin lettres 1946, pp. 186-192.
4. Saint John the Baptist proclaimed the coming of the Messiah.
a. Read: ‘Haan’.