1. Gachet had presumably recommended the Auberge Saint-Aubin. See Coquiot 1923, p. 244. This inn was not in rue Rémy, as recorded in Ravoux 1957, p. 7 and exhib. cat. New York 1986, p. 197, but in rue de Pontoise (now rue François Villon). Van Gogh, however, preferred the less expensive Auberge Ravoux, on the place de la Mairie. It was managed by the wine dealer Arthur Gustave Ravoux and his wife Adeline Louise Touillet. See Mothe 1987, p. 220, and Leaf and Leeman 2001, p. 79.
2. Camille Pissarro, Chestnut trees at Louveciennes, 1869-1870 (Paris, Musée d’Orsay). Ill. 313 [313].
3. Paul Cézanne, Geraniums and coreopsis in a small Delft vase, 1873 (private collection), Ill. 684 [684]; and Bouquet in a small Delft vase (Dahlias), 1873 (Paris, Musée d’Orsay). Ill. 683 [683].
[684] [683]
4. Paul Cézanne, Doctor Gachet’s house, 1872-1873 (Paris, Musée d’Orsay). Ill. 685 [685].
5. Gachet lived in the former girls’ boarding school, which he had bought in 1872, in what is now rue du Dr Gachet. For his collection and photographs of the interior of his house, see exhib. cat. Paris 1999.
6. In his youth Gachet had lived in Mechelen in Belgium.
7. Theo and Jo lived at 8 cité Pigalle. Their old apartment was at 54 rue Lepic.