1My dear Russell
1*for ever so long I have
2been wanting to write to you – but then
3the work has so taken me up. We have
4harvest time here at present and I am
5always in the fields.
6And when I sit down to write I
7am so abstracteda by recollections of
8what I have seen that I leave the
9letter. For instance at the present
10occasion I was writing to you and
11going to say something about Arles
12as it is – and as it was in the
13old days of Boccaccio.–1
14Well/ instead of continuing the letter
15I began to draw on the very paper
16the head of a dirty little girl I saw
17this afternoon whilst I was painting
18a view of the river with a greenish yellow
20This dirty “mudlark”3 I thought
21yet had a vague florentine sort of figure
22like the heads in the Monticelli
23pictures, and reasoning and drawing
24this wise I worked on the letter  1v:2
25I was writing to you. I enclose
26the slip of scribbling, that you may
27judge of my abstractions and forgive
28my not writing before as such.
29Do not however imagine I am painting
30old florentine scenery – no/ I may dream of
31such – but I spend my time in painting
32and drawing landscapes or rather studies of colour.
33The actualb inhabitants of this country often
34remind me of the figures we see in Zola’s
36And Manet would like them as they
37are and the city as it is.
38Bernard is still in Brittany and I believe
39he is working hard and doing well.
40Gauguin is in Brittany too but has again
41suffered of an attack of his liver complaint.
42I wished I were in the same place with him
43or he here with me.
44My brother has an exhibition of 10 new
45pictures by Claude Monet, his
46latest works. for instance a landscape
47with red sun set and a group of dark
48firtrees by the seaside_
49The red sun casts an orange or blood red reflection
50on the blue green trees and the ground.4
51I wished I could see them.
52How is your house in Brittany getting
53on5 – and have you been working
54in the country.
55I believe my brother has also another
56picture by Gauguin which is as I heard say
57very fine/ two negro women
58talking. it is one of those he did at
60Mc Knight told me he had seen
61at Marseilles a picture by Monticelli/
63Very soon I intend sending over some studies
64to Paris and then you can, if you like,
65choose one for our exchange.
66I must hurry off this letter
67for I feel some more abstractions
68coming on and if I did not
69quickly fill up my paper I
70would again set to drawing and
71you would not have your letter.–
72I heard Rodin had a beautiful
73head at the Salon.7
74I have been to the seaside for a
75week and very likely am going thither
76again soon.– Flat shore/
77sands – fine figures there
78like Cimabue – straight/ stylish_
79Am working at a Sower.–

[sketch A]
80the great field all violet/ the sky & sun very
81yellow.8 it is a hard subject to treat.
82Please remember me very kindly to
83Mrs Russell9 – and in thougt I heartily
84shake hands.

85Yours very truly
 2r:5 [sketch B]
