1. Van Gogh had raised the Revolution of 1848 several times before (see letters 461-465). The (*) symbol marks the spot he refers back to in l. 38.
2. On 5 November 1884 Mrs van Gogh wrote to Theo about Vincent’s isolated position: ‘Rappard left Saturday. Vincent hasn’t done much the last few days and is depressed. Poor fellow, but how can he possibly go out and about so inconsiderately? If he wants something, he’ll just have to try twice as hard; he’s still young enough for that. It’s almost unbearable to watch. All the same I think he’ll stick to his plan to go out. I hope so; who knows what he may meet to inspire him. It’s the same old thing here and he doesn’t talk to anyone here. We must just hope for the best’ (FR b2260).
a. Means: ‘het algemeen belang daargelaten’ (never mind about the general interest).
b. Means: ‘op gang komen’ (get going).
3. The word ‘Agir’ (act) is part of the quotation from Zola’s Au bonheur des dames in letter 464.
4. In November 1881 Van Gogh spent almost a month in The Hague, where he often went to see Mauve, who gave him his first lessons in painting and using watercolours (letter 191).
5. A reference to the character of Bourdoncle in Zola’s Au bonheur des dames, to whom Vincent likened Theo; see letter 464.