1. See for the twelve drawings by Van Gogh that Van Rappard had at this time: letter 441.
2. This request is in letter 441.
3. Evidently the family was corresponding about brother Cor’s impending choice of profession. He was about to take his high school examinations, which he passed in July. On 19 July 1884 it was decided to apprentice him to Egbert Haverkamp Begemann’s engineering works in Helmond, at a cost of 810 guilders a year. Mr van Gogh informed Theo of this sum because he was going to provide financial assistance (FR b2255).
4. Theo had reproached Vincent for having written critically about Frans Braat – undeservedly according to Vincent. See letters 438 and 440.
5. Van Gogh is referring to the passage about Van Rappard in letter 440, ll. 199 ff.
a. Means: ‘kalm’ (calm).